District Dental Society
Society "Here’s your dose of “Mental Floss” |
#1 DRAFT - January 2010 Editor - Amy Lee (Assistant Editor - Lindsay Holliday) |
Central District |
Meeting Highlights:
Committee has two new at-large members: Vin Bhasin and Ty Ivey Cassidy
Awards GDEF--- |
We met at Idle Hour Country
Buying and Selling a Dental Practice in Today's Market 2 hours CE Dr Kara Moore with our Speaker - Mrs. Jennifer McDonald with Dr David Reznik and Mr Rick Willeford CPA/CFP from the www.The WillefordGroup.com ![]() This fast-paced, program looked at a practical approach to buying and selling a dental practice. Known benchmarks for a healthy practice will be presented along with helpful hints to get your practice fiscally fit. The various pathways of buying and selling were discussed. ![]() Dr Roy Lehrman with our Speaker Mrs Jennifer McDonald |
District Meeting |
Meeting |
Tuesday, Feb 16th at 7:00 PM All Committee Chairpersons, Delegates, and Officers are
members of the Executive
Committee and are required to attend. Other interested district members
welcome to attend. |
PLEASE …. RSVP for the meeting by
Monday, Feb 8th so that we may have an accurate head
count. When submitting your RSVP, be sure to indicate your choice for the meal: Chicken Cordon Bleu or Flank Steak Dinner meeting - $20 Thank you! or Pay at the Door $5 extra, or IOUs for $10 extra!! Send to: Dr. Don Benton 4128 Arkwright Rd. Suite B Macon 31210 t.doc@cox.net 0ffice 475-1980 |
District Business:
Report:Two members at-large from the CDDS will be elected at this meeting to serve one year on this Nominating Committee. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Contact: Lindsay Holliday (Immediate-Past-President is Chair of this committee) |
Scholarship Awards Report
contact: Sheila K. Shah <skshah@bellsouth.net> |
Central District
Presidential Report
Roy E. Lehrman, D.D.S. |
In a previous Presidents letter I opened with the statement if not now when? When is now, because if we don’t act now it will be too late. The dentists of the Central District need to make our stand now. What do I mean? No longer can we rely on someone else or the ADA to handle the problems that we face everyday. In fact our biggest problem is the ADA, our parent organization, no longer has the best interest of the dentist in GA as part of their agenda. What do I mean but that statement? The ADA is not looking out for its members, but is playing a part in the development of the mid-level provider. Now is the time to unite, and if you know any dentist who is not a member pressure them to join. If they want to practice dentistry in the future as we practice dentistry today. We need to keep our number high because there is strength in numbers, which leads me to March 3rd (Law Day), we need to have as large as possible turnout. We need to let our Representatives know what our position on mid level providers are in GA. There are several bills that affect dentistry, but I will let Martha tell you about them. Lastly I want to remind you of several dates: • January 31, 2010 last day to pay your dues for them to count for Central District. • March 3, 2010, Law Day Let’s set the record for the highest percent for any district. In closing, we all need to step up to the table in order to save dentistry as we know it today. See you at our next meeting, Roy |
If you haven’t done so….Please
send your email address to Lindsay Holliday
<teeth@mindspring.com> if you are not receiving your newsletter
on-line in addition to the postal hardcopy too.
Member's News: |
GADPAC- Paul Fraysure - |
has arrived and the new session of the Georgia legislature has convened. As I write this article, I have just returned from the January session of the Georgia Dental Association House of Delegates. It opened with a panel of ten gubernatorial candidates. In attendance were former Governor Roy Barnes, Congressman Nathan Deal, Secretary of State Karen Handel, insurance commissioner John Oxendine, Adjutant General David Poythress, State Senator Eric Johnson, State Representative DuBose Porter, Ray City Mayor Carl Camon, Ray McBerry, and Libertarian John Monds. As I listened to each of them speak for 8-10 minutes on their respective platforms, I couldn't help but think about how each of them, if elected, could lead the state of Georgia through these difficult economic times and be sensitive to the dental needs of our citizens and also the business needs of the dental profession. Prior to the forum, each of the candidates had received position papers on Medicaid, caps on non-covered services, SB 50 on silent PPOs, and SB 62 on Prompt Pay. But then I thought, the Governor doesn't make the laws, he is the executive officer of the state, and he carries out the letter of the law. Yes, we need a governor who is friendly to dentistry, but even more importantly, we need legislators who have open minds to the dental needs of Georgia citizens and open ears to the voices of the dental profession as they make legislative decisions. That is where we dentists come into play. Political involvement; direct or indirect. Go to legislative receptions and meet the legislators from our district or go to Law Day at the state capitol and see the political process in action and meet legislators from other parts of the state. Indirectly, we can help support the legislators who support dentistry by contributing to GADPAC. Your contributions to GADPAC are used to help legislative candidate’s campaigns. Those legislators who attended our Central District Legislative Reception were each given a contribution from GADPAC for their respective campaigns. Our support of our dental friends at the state capitol is so crucial in these days of hard decision making about the state budget, Medicaid, national health care, and other issues that affect dentistry. What can you do? CONTRIBUTE TO GADPAC. BE A TEAM PLAYER. IT’S NOT TOO LATE. - Paul Fraysure - <PFraysure@aol.com> |
Delegation |
Guest Editorial
- Ty Ivey -
I never thought that I would find myself writing op ed/editorials. But here I am. I always enjoyed Bill Shipp ( not our fellow dentist, but the Atlanta Journal columnist ). When he retired last year, the Monday morning Telegraph was never the same. To me he was generally trying to educate the public with information that they would not normally encounter. Of course as in the case of all such scribbling, it was in the end his opinion. Today at lunch, I asked John Bowman what he would like to have as the next topic for the CDDS Newsletter. His request was that something be written about why we should go to dental meetings. Over the last year, I have tried to blend information concerning the American Dental Association into a relevant business metaphor. In September the topic was bankruptcy and the editor ran it along with the original inflation/deflation article. A compilation of the two was run in the Alaska Dental Society Journal in August, but several other state Journals including our own refused to consider printing this for a wider audience. It’s alright to grumble, but it makes people nervous if you put it into writing. In November, we continued with the hidden problems of ADA Corp and the secret discussions concerning the ADA’s finances at the ADA meeting in Hawaii. Our November CDDS newsletter was sent from the state GDA office to the GDA’s delegation to the ADA House of Delegates. Immediately after the Georgia ADA delegation received our op/ed piece, three of the delegates from the Georgia delegation assailed this writer in defense of their actions and hard work for dentistry. Now, the question put to you in November was, do you trust the ADA delegation with your future and I challenged you to check it out. The question was in keeping with the theme of the previous op/ed pieces that the ADA was the only organization that could affect your future. Therefore, since there might be some confusion out there concerning what I meant. Let me make some direct (always a dangerous thing to do) statements to clarify what I believe. Keep in mind that I have never written about or taken a position on the GDA delegation to the ADA. My only reference to them was to challenge each of you to know what they were doing as they represented you at level of the national organization. So here are some declarations as previously stated. 1 – The ADA is the only organization that can affect your professional life 2 – The AGD is a wonderful organization for many things, but in the past five years it has demonstrated that it is unwilling to make a difference in the political fate of dentistry. Now, back to why you should go to meetings. In my opinion, the ADA (not the GDA) has failed the average dentist in our state by failing to represent the values that we were taught regarding the profession and the attitudes that we should have toward our patients. So how are you going to change an organization that is failing you? Dropping out is losing out. You have to know the issues and you have to know what is going on in your own arena. Where are you going to learn the most about the profession of dentistry? The golf course, your Sunday school class, and the local Rotary meeting may be places that produce interesting tidbits that may be personally and financially rewarding. However, dentistry is going to be discussed at the meetings of the dental association and that would be the component of the ADA and GDA – The Central District. The government is getting involved in health care. The insurance industry is fighting for its life and your life is irrelevant to them. The profession’s publications (especially The ADA News) are written by the ADA staff and what they write is often slanted to the presentation that the staff of the ADA wants it to be. To summarize let me make two more comments. One of these may be dealt with later since we have not discussed it in depth. 1 – The Central District Meeting is the place where the information on your ability to serve your patients and make a living is discussed. These discussions may be in the program or they may be in the informal conversations held at the dinner table. 2 - Membership in the ADA is the only way to have a meaningful chance to be involved in the future of your profession. If you think that some issues can be handled differently. Write or call your Trustee ( Mike Loden) or your ADA Delegate (Kara Moore). They need to know what you think and you can send your thoughts to Chicago and the ADA. Better yet, ask to be put on a committee and tell them yourself. The battle for the future of dentistry is being fought right now. Not two years from now, but now. What is your decision? Play or Pass. - Ty |
CDDS Minutes
November 10,2009 CDDS Executive Council Meeting Office of Lindsay Holliday,7PM Attending: Roy Lehrman,Kara Moore,Jay Harrington,Kendrick Mathews,Alfred Peters,Shelia Shah,Deena Holliman-Smith Mike Loden, John Kuo,Paul Fraysure,Don Benton, Lindsay Holliday. Minutes of the Sept. meeting Approved by acclamation. Treasurer's Report; Discussed and approved.Suggestion made by R.Lehrman to add a bottom line of total assets at end of report that totals both checking acct and money market balances,will include in Feb. report. District will proceed with incorporation for tax exempt status with GDA address for housing filing address to prevent confusion over time with subsequent treasurers. Kara Moore's report of Base meeting in Warner Robins,CE on Thurs. evening then a Four Doctor Panel on Friday. Date to be determined as soon as possible. ADA Delegation report: K. Moore noted no dues increase this year.She could not discuss the controversy over the ADABEI, ADA Business enterprises issue confronting the delegates to the ADA. Stay tuned for more details as they develop. There is an attorney-client issue that needs to play out! Membership: New members noted were Ray Shelko and Tracy Long. Make them feel welcome when you see them. Suggestion made to have Katy Garvin assume membership duties next year. Ched Smaha and Kara Moore will follow up. Government affairs:Request by Jay Harrington to support Lee Hawkins at the highest level possible in his bid for Nathan Deal's U.S. House seat as Nathan will run for governor in November 2010. We need Lee in D.C.!!!! Also remember Legislative Reception on Dec.1 at the Brickyard. It is crucial for high attendance with spouses as well. March 3,2010 is CDDS LAW Day at the Capital in Atlanta.Maximum attendance is required for success under the Dome. We need a new level of commitment to make a difference for our patients. Info. Technology: Pres Roy discussed issue of facebook page for GDA that has been discussed at BOT mtgs.Still in discussion stage and may be further addressed in Jan. BOT Session. Also discussed was issue of linking member websites to GDA site as now it is not possible to do so. Still in discussion at BOT level for now .Roy's message was that caution is critical at every step regarding these sites! Constitution and ByLaws: John Kuo and Kara Moore discussed with EC options for terms of service for delegates and alternates. After much debate they will report at next EC Council with best option for a vote. Pres. Roy brought up need for pre-caucus meeting prior to Jan.HOD meeting. He will pole members of delegation to determine date and time of a pre-caucus. Jay Harrington asked question of value of officer visits at the Caucus breakfasts. Discussion centered around feeling that sometimes the visit is useful and sometimes it is not very useful. Jay was quick to note that the HOD is the most important forum for discussion of ideas. Council on Dental Health: Shirley Fisher wanted to mention Feb. Give Kids a Smile month. Please report to her and take photos to send to GDA office. More info to follow in Jan. regarding locations and times of events. New Dentist Cmt. Kara mentioned very successful event sponsored by Perry Dental Lab, Co-Owner, Casey Daniel on Oct.22. Excellent fellowship and fun was had by all. Public Relation-No Report Peer Review - No report other than workshop at GDA Headquarters on Jan.9,2010. Recruitment and Retention: Kara is continuing to update contact info for all existing and new members for accuracy. CE Program: Kara updated EC on sign-up for meeting on Nov. 13, Topic is practice management. Scholarships: Shelia Shaw submitted names for the Hygiene scholarships from CDDS and Paul Fraysure updated as well for the GDEF Scholarships to be presented at meeting on Thurs. evening. Trustee Report: See Mike Loden's Report. No other business. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm Respectfully submitted, Don Benton Donald B. Benton,Jr.DMD 4128 Arkwright Rd. Ste.B Macon, GA 31210-1707 478.475.1980 Voice 478.475.5654 Fax 478.960.0287 Mobile |
Treasury Report
Treasury Report of the CDDS as of January 11, 2010 Balance of Checking Acct 8,368.62 Withdrawals Flowers,Ivey Appreciation 42.80 GDA, Invitations for new Dentist Reception 39.25 Hygiene Scholarship Certificates 13.57 CGTC Scholarship 500.00 MGTC Scholarship 500.00 Macon Letter Svc. Nov.mailout 595.28 Macon Letter Svc.Leg. Rec. Mailout 463.13 Nov. Membership Mtg,IHCC 2,638.13 CE Speaker Expences 266.88 Aramark Svs,CE Food,Beveridge 404.16 CE Handout Material 517.08 Legislative Reception,Brickyard 4,241.11 Bank Maintenance Fee 20.00 Deposits Membership Meeting 1,385.00 CE Meeting 2,795.00 Deposits Nov.Membership Mtg 1,385.00 Nov.CE Mtg 2,795.00 GDA Late Dues Receipts 849.50 Balance 3,199.02 Money Market Balance 4,919.40 Total Assets of CDDS 8,118.42 Respectfully submitted, Don Benton |
Editors Comments: |
Dear Colleagues, I would like to include more items of personal interest from our members. Please email or call me! Thank-you, Amy Lee 152 N Crest Blvd,Ste B
Macon, GA 31210
Cell (478) 951-5639
Office (478) 757-5826 Fax (478) 757-5823
E-mail: DrAmyLee@bellsouth.net
Mark your Calendar 2010 Feb 5 Give Kids a Smile - contact Shirley Fisher Feb 18 at WRAFB Feb 19 - Extra CE at WRAFB Mar 3 LAW Day May 13 regular meeting Newsletter deadlines are 5 weeks before each meeting. |
CDDS Officers 2009-2010: President - Roy Lehrman Pres Elect - Kara Griffin Moore Vice Pres - Alfred Peters Secretary-Treasurer - Don Benton Editor - Amy Lee Trustee GDA - Mike Loden Delegate to ADA - Kara Moore |
Committee Appointments: | |
Committee Appointments: Awards Deena Holliman Smith Const./Bylaws John Kuo Counc. on Dental Health Shirley Fisher Finance Kendrick Mathews Forensic Dentistry Ashley Walker GADPAC Paul Fraysure Gov. Affairs Bill Argo Information Technology Roy Lehrman Membership Services Kara G. Moore Peer Review Thomas Woodcock Public Relations Lindsay Holliday Recruitment and Retention Ched Smaha Workforce Shirley Fisher GDA Delegation: Craig McCroba, Kendrick Mathews (chair), Shirly Fisher, Roy Lehrman, Alfred Peters Alternate Delegates: Lindsay Holliday, Amy Loden, Mike Loden, Deena Holliman Smith, Paul Fraysure Nominating Committee Lindsay Holliday, Kendrick Mathews, Kara Moore, ( 2 at large positions to be replaced at November meeting by nominations from the floor) END OF NEWSLETTER |
End of Newsletter End of Newsletter End of Newsletter End of Newsletter End of Newsletter End of Newsletter |
..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... | ||
- notes from the ByLaws - - - (webposted Constitution and Bylaws are here - Click-on) Nominating
Committee -
It shall be a policy of the CDDS that the Nominating Committee shall consist of the following: 1. Immediate Past President of the CDDS 2. Chairman of the CDDS Delegation to GDA House of Delegates 3. The Senior ADA Delegate or Alternate ADA Delegate 4. Two members at large from the CDDS. (These members will be elected at the September meeting of this Society. Nomination will be accepted from the floor The Nominating Committee will present its slate of candidates for current CDDS elected positions at the February meeting of this Society. Election of Officers and Delegate positions will be held at the CDDS February meeting. |
Constitution, Bylaws, Policy Manual |