Central District Dental Society

Central District Dental Society
Newsletter 2008 #3

  Central District 



Committee Reports Due Dates

Board of Trustees Reports:

Meeting Date Report Requested Report Due By Email

November 8, 2008 Oct. 20 , 2008 Oct. 27 Oct. 29

January 10, 2009 Nov. 26, 2008 Dec. 8* Dec. 17

*only if there is a report to BOT only, not HOD

April 25, 2009 April 6, 2009 April 13, 2009 April 16

June 20, 2009 June 1 June 8 June 10

House of Delegates Reports:

Meeting Date Report Requested Report Due By Mail

January 11, 2009 Nov. 26, 2008 Dec. 8 Dec. 17

July 30, 2009 June 11, 2009 June 23 July 2

Please note – dates are subject to change. Final due dates will be included with the report request that is faxed to your offices. Your staff support will also keep you informed of report due dates.





The authority of the Policy Manual is confirmed by the House of Delegates (“House”) in regular session, August 5, 1993 and January 7, 2007. The House hereby proclaims jurisdiction over this Policy Manual. This Policy Manual may be amended or revised by two-thirds affirmative vote of the House of Delegates in regular session. The proposed amendment shall have been presented in writing to the delegates at least two weeks prior to the meeting except that the House, by unanimous consent, may waive the requirement for two weeks written notice.

Publications of the proposed amendment or revision in the Manual of the House of Delegates shall be deemed sufficient notification provided it is distributed at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting of the House at which the action is to be taken.



The ADA Delegation shall serve as official representative of the Georgia Dental Association (GDA) to the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association (ADA). The ADA Delegation shall maintain the proper and required liaison with all levels of the ADA and the Fifth Trustee District Caucus, as stipulated in the Bylaws of these parent organizations, and shall make necessary reports to the GDA at the constituent and component levels through designated representatives. The ADA Delegation shall be seated at all meetings of the GDA House of Delegates.


1. The ADA Delegation shall be composed of the nine (9) Delegates to the ADA and the nine (9) Alternate Delegates to the ADA as delineated in Section 2 of this Policy Manual. The Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of the GDA shall serve as ex-officio members of the Delegation with voting privileges whose terms run concurrent with their respective offices.

2. Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the ADA shall be determined as follows:

A. Each component society shall be assigned one (1) Delegate position. Each component society shall have at least one (1) non-state officer representative on the delegation. When a component society has a single representative and the representative relocates to another component society, that representative shall immediately resign and be replaced.

B. The GDA President shall serve as an ADA Delegate, occupying his or her component society’s assigned Delegate position for his or her term as GDA President, with that component society representative moving to the Alternate Delegate position reserved for GDA officers.

C. The GDA President Elect shall serve as an Alternate Delegate.

D. All Alternate Delegate positions shall be assigned as follows: three (3) for the Northern District, one (1) for the Northwestern District, one (1) for the component society with the third largest membership, two (2) for GDA officers, and one (1) at-large position.

E. The 8th Delegate position shall be assigned to the Northern District. The accompanying Alternate Delegate position shall be assigned to the component society with the 3rd largest membership. The assignment of the 8th delegate position shall be reevaluated at the end of each term based on the official delegate count made in January 31st of each year.

F. The 9th Delegate, Alternate Delegate and any additional Delegate or Alternate Delegate positions obtained shall be at-large positions with the following election protocol:

(1.) Curriculum vitas (CVs) shall be sent to the GDA Nominating Committee to determine that the candidate is a member of the GDA in good standing.

(2.) Component societies may nominate multiple candidates.

(3.) The House of Delegates shall elect the Delegates. Nominations can be made from the floor. However, the candidate’s CV must be submitted to the GDA office two weeks prior to the House of Delegates meeting. Either the candidate or his or her proxy may speak on the candidate’s behalf.

(4.) Voting will continue until one candidate receives a majority of the votes. The candidate receiving the fewest number of votes on each ballot will be dropped from each successive ballot until a winner is declared.

The 9th Delegate and Alternate Delegate shall serve terms of four (4) years.

G. An at-large Alternate Delegate position is created and selected utilizing the following protocol:

(1.) The at-large Alternate Delegate position shall be created by making the Vice President an Ex-Officio member with full voting rights within the Delegation and funded attendance at the ADA Annual Session.

(2.) Selection for the at-large Alternate Delegate shall follow the same protocol delineated by the selection of the 9th Delegate.

H. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as an Ex-Officio member of the Delegation and attend the ADA Annual Session.

I. The Editor’s attendance at the ADA Annual Session shall be at the discretion of the GDA Board of Trustees (BOT).

3. The terms of office for all Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall be staggered to insure continuity and experience within the ADA Delegation at all times.

4. All candidates shall be endorsed by their respective component societies prior to consideration for nomination by the Nominating Committee.

5. Candidates for expiring terms shall be presented to the GDA House by the Nominating Committee. All component societies shall submit at least two names to the Nominating Committee for consideration for any expired delegate or alternate delegate position.

6. Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall be elected by the GDA House at the Winter meeting.

7. Nominations may be accepted from the floor provided that CVs are received at the GDA Executive Office at least ten (10) days prior to the GDA House of Delegates.

8. Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall assume office upon election.

9. The term of office for Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall be for four (4) years. The term for positions reserved for the President and President Elect of the GDA shall be for one year, served concurrently with their term of office.

A. Subject to the qualifications set forth in this Policy Manual, if a Delegate or Alternate Delegate has 10 or fewer years of Delegation service, that Delegate or Alternate Delegate could be re-nominated to one additional four (4) year term. This could result in Delegates or Alternate Delegates serving terms of 10 to 13 years until all affected Delegation members move through this initial rotation.

B. After the initial rotation of all Delegates and Alternate Delegates holding office at the time this policy was ratified, succeeding Delegates and Alternate Delegates would be eligible to serve a maximum of 12 years on the Delegation and then must rotate off.

C. The component society of any Delegate or Alternate Delegate that is eligible for re-nomination must be sent an evaluation and recommendation from the ADA Delegation. Such recommendation shall be non-binding on the component society.

D. Any Delegate or Alternate Delegate who has served three consecutive terms must rotate off the delegation for one year, but could be eligible for re-election after that year.

E. A member, who is elected as GDA Vice President and serves as Vice President, President Elect and President, will serve three years on the ADA Delegation in officer positions as an Ex-Officio member, Alternate Delegate, and then Delegate. These three years will not count as a term of service. If a person is a Delegate or Alternate Delegate at the time of their election to Vice President, he or she may elect to continue to hold that position until he or she advances to the office of President Elect. At the time the person advances to the office of President Elect, he/she must resign the position and open it up for nomination by the respective component society.

F. In the event a Delegate or Alternate Delegate is elected to a regional or national office which requires Delegate or Alternate Delegate status, the rotation rule may be waived for the duration of the term of the regional or national office, except when ADA policy forbids credentialing of delegates or alternate delegates who hold a national office, the GDA President shall determine how this vacated position will be handled.

G. Vacancies on this Delegation shall be filled by the GDA Board of Trustees subject to ratification at the next session of the House of Delegates.

10. The ADA Delegates expense reimbursement policy shall be:

A. The ADA Delegation chairman shall determine if five or six day’s reimbursement is appropriate depending on the location of the ADA Annual Session.

B. Reimbursement for ADA Annual Session shall be payment of the hotel room and tax at the lowest ADA rate at the headquarters hotel, $75 per diem, $50 ground transportation, and the lowest available airfare.

11. The Chairman of the ADA Delegation shall be elected annually by the ADA Delegation at its first meeting following the winter meeting of the GDA House of Delegates.

12. The ADA Delegation shall elect a Vice Chairman. The person holding the office of Vice Chairman shall not automatically assume the office of Chairman. The Chairman will be elected from all eligible Delegates and Alternate Delegates when the Chairman’s office is vacated.

13. The ADA Delegation may select a candidate for Trustee Elect of the ADA Fifth District at the January meeting of the Georgia Delegation in the years the Fifth District Caucus shall select a Trustee Elect (2008, 2012, 2016, etc. under the present system). The ADA Delegation is under no obligation to provide a candidate in each election cycle. The ADA Delegation shall have the right to choose a candidate, but yield to another state’s candidate at the Fifth District Caucus. The ADA Delegation shall seek to select the best Trustee Elect candidate available at any given caucus.

14. All ADA Delegation members shall attend all meetings of the ADA Delegation, as well as GDA House of Delegates meetings, Fifth Trustee District Caucus meetings, and ADA House of Delegates meetings.

15. The ADA Chairman, GDA President, and an “at large” member elected by the ADA Delegation shall make an evaluation report to the Nominating Committee on each delegation member prior to the Nominating Committee’s yearly meeting. The evaluation will be based upon participation and attendance.

16. By June 1 of even numbered years, submit questions relevant to ADA Delegation issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

17. The ADA Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Delegation to the American Dental Association” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new ADA Delegation member.

B. Each ADA Delegation member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The procedure manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the ADA Delegation. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

18. The Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Delegation to each meeting of the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates.



The Annual Meeting Committee shall make all arrangements for an annual meeting of the Georgia Dental Association and shall secure professional exhibitors.


1. The GDA President, in consultation with the Executive Director, shall have full responsibility for the annual meeting, including selecting the time and place for each function.

2. The General Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA President and Executive Director, shall be responsible for arranging all activities, including social functions that will appeal to those members and their families in attendance. The General Chairman shall appoint additional function chairmen to assist in planning specific functions at the meeting.

3. The General Chairman, in consultation with the President and Executive Director, shall be responsible for:

A. Reviewing of all expenses pertaining to the meeting; and

B. Within 60 days following the Annual Meeting, the General Chairman and Executive Director shall furnish the Board of Trustees a final written report. This report shall also be presented to the next GDA House of Delegates.

4. Any funds remaining after all expenses have been paid shall carry forward to the General Funds of the GDA. Any deficit incurred shall be made up from the general funds of the GDA.

5. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to annual meeting issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

6. The General Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Annual Meeting Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new Committee member.

B. Each Committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the General Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

7. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Awards Committee identifies candidates who are eligible for awards and recommends candidates for all awards made in the name of the Georgia Dental Association, except for Presidential Commendations.


1. The Committee shall be responsible for determining and recommending to the GDA House of Delegates nominees for:

A. Honorable Fellow

B. Oral Discoveries and Invention

C. GDA Award of Merit

D. Any other award(s) that may be made by the GDA, except for Presidential Commendations.

2. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local component society chairman; the Chairman shall be appointed by the GDA President and may be chairman of his or her component society’s committee.

3. The following protocol shall be followed for nominations for each award:

A. Recommendations for each award shall be submitted to the component society’s Awards Committee no later than September 1 each year.

B. The Component Society’s Awards Committee shall :

(1). Screen and verify the qualifications of all candidates for each award.

(2). Shall notify the Component Society’s Executive Committee, in writing, of its potential nominee(s) prior to submitting them to the GDA. A copy of the notification shall accompany the recommendation(s) for each award to the GDA Awards Committee.

C. Recommendations must be received from the Component Society’s Awards Committees in the GDA Executive Office no later than October 1 immediately preceding the Winter meeting of the GDA House of Delegates.

D. The GDA Executive Office shall verify the qualifications of all candidates and report its findings to the GDA Awards Committee.

E. The GDA Awards Committee shall convene prior to the Fall Board of Trustees meeting to review all recommendations for awards. The GDA Awards Committee will then refer those nominations who have satisfied all the requirements of the particular award to the GDA Board of Trustees.

F. The GDA Board of Trustees shall:

(1). Review all nominations for each award at the Fall meeting (October or November) of the Board of Trustees prior to presentation at the Winter meeting of the House of Delegates.

(2) Have the right to reject any nominee for any of the following:

a. A candidate has failed to cooperate with the GDA Peer Review process.

b. A candidate has been disciplined by the Georgia Board of Dentistry.

c. A candidate has been disciplined by the Ethics Committee of the GDA.

d. Other ethical or moral reasons.

(3). Have the right to table a nomination and request further consideration by the GDA Awards Committee.

G. The GDA House of Delegates shall retain the final authority for each award (except the Presidential Award). At its Winter meeting, the GDA House of Delegates shall select those members it has deemed to be qualified for each award.

4. Awards

A. Honorable Fellow: GDA Members who have rendered more than usual service to the Georgia Dental Association may be recommended for designation as an Honorable Fellow.

(1.) Requirements: In order to be considered for designation as an Honorable Fellow, a candidate shall exhibit the following qualifications:

a. Distinguished service to the GDA, either through active participation in the GDA or the local component society. This shall be the primary consideration for recommendation for designation as an Honorable Fellow.

b. Active membership in the Georgia Dental Association for at least ten (10) continuous years. In order for the member candidate to be eligible, this ten-year period must have been completed by December 31 preceding the Winter meeting of the GDA House of Delegates in which designation as an Honorable Fellow Award will be bestowed. In addition, membership in the Georgia Dental Society for ten continuous years, prior to 1975, shall also satisfy the requirement of ten years membership in the GDA. However, such previous members of the Georgia Dental Society must be current members of the GDA.

c. A commitment and dedication to the needs of the dental profession.

d. Integrity, honesty of purpose and adherence to the Code of Ethics of the ADA.

e. Community participation in civic clubs, religious organizations or community activities.

(2.) Recommendations:

a. Recommendations for designation as an Honorable Fellow may be made by any member of a component society for another member of the same component society. Self-recommendations will not be recognized.

b. Recommendations must be accompanied by supporting credentials and a written curriculum vitae.

c. There will be a maximum of one (1) candidate per 100 members or fraction thereof. The Component Society’s Awards Committee is not required to nominate candidates in any given year.

d. The Component Society’s Awards Committee shall submit no more than the appropriate number of recommendations to the GDA Awards Committee each year.

(3.) Nominations:

a. The GDA Awards Committee shall review and nominate those members who have satisfied the requirements for designation as Honorable Fellow.

b. Those nominated members selected for designation as an Honorable Fellow shall be so notified and shall be designated “Honorable Fellows” of the Georgia Dental Association. Except in extraordinary circumstances, nominees shall be present at the GDA Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony. They shall be presented a suitable certificate at an appropriate ceremony during the GDA Annual Meeting.

B. Oral Discoveries and Inventions

(1.) Any member may submit to the GDA Awards Committee the credentials of any other member who has made significant contributions in the area of Oral Discoveries or Inventions. Self recommendations will not be accepted.

(2.) The GDA Awards Committee shall review the accomplishments of all candidates and shall forward their recommendations to the GDA House of Delegates for consideration at its Winter Meeting.

(3.) The Oral Discoveries and Invention Award shall be presented at the GDA Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony.

C. GDA Award of Merit: It is the intent that this award be given only when a candidate has truly exhibited service and merit above recognized standards and may not necessarily be given each year. It is not necessary that the exemplary service and merit shall have been exhibited in the specific year of consideration. It is the intention that the GDA Award of Merit be the highest honor that the GDA can bestow upon a member, and in keeping, the standards for judging a candidate shall be the highest possible.

(1.) Recommendations may be submitted to the GDA Awards Committee by any member on behalf of any other member. Self-recommendations will not be recognized.

(2.) Recommendations must be accompanied by supporting credentials and a curriculum vitae.

(3.) No more than one Award of Merit candidate shall be nominated by the GDA Awards Committee in a given year.

(4.) Presentation of the Award of Merit shall be at the GDA Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony.

D. Awards Committee: GDA Community Service Award: This award recognizes a GDA member dentist who distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary service to the quality of life and health of persons in their local, state, national, or international community via the field of dentistry. The intent is to honor members whose individual volunteer commitments reflect well on the Association and profession at large, and raise the profile of all dentists.

(1.) Requirements: In order to be considered for the GDA Community Service Award, a candidate shall:

a. Contribute significantly to enriching the quality of life and improving the health of those served.

b. Demonstrate outstanding leadership and humanitarian volunteer accomplishments.

c. Serve as an inspiration to the dental profession.

d. Show through their scope of volunteer work altruism in regard to personal or organizational gain or profit.

e. Establish a legacy that is of continuing value and benefit to others.

f. Demonstrate integrity, honesty of purpose, and adherence to the Code of Ethics of the ADA.

g. Be a member in good standing of the Georgia Dental Association and have maintained that membership for at least 10 continuous years.

(2.) Recommendations:

a. Recommendations for the GDA Community Service Award may be made by any member of a component society for another member of the same component society. Self-recommendations will not be recognized.

b. Recommendations must be accompanied by a completed nomination form, which provides details on the volunteer activities of the member, including specific actions and leadership skills demonstrated, and methods used to improve the quality of life and health of persons within the member’s community, the population group(s) served, and the long term impact of these activities. The form may be accompanied by supporting materials such as photos or newspaper clippings.

c. Recommendations must also be accompanied by a current curriculum vitae and at least two letters of support from appropriate individuals, who are not the nominator, attesting to the dentist’s qualifications.

d. A component society may submit a maximum of (1) candidate for this award in a given year. The component society’s Awards Committee is not required to nominate a candidate in any given year.

(3.) Nominations:

a. The GDA Awards Committee shall review all component nominations, and may nominate a maximum of two (2) members in a given year who have satisfied the award requirements. The GDA Awards Committee is not required to nominate a candidate in any given year.

b. Those members selected for designation as GDA Community Service Award honorees shall be so notified and presented with a suitable award in a ceremony at a component or state meeting.

5. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to awards issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

6. The Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Awards Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new member of the Committee.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Committee Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a quorum vote of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

7. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Constitution and Bylaws Committee reviews or creates proposed amendments to the GDA Constitution, Bylaws, and Policy Manual and makes recommendations to the GDA House of Delegates.


1. The Committee shall receive and review proposed amendments to the GDA Constitution, Bylaws or Policy Manual or shall propose amendments of its own. The Committee shall make recommendations, revise or combine similar amendments and forward recommendations, with or without comment, to the GDA House of Delegates.

2. The Committee shall also review the publication of the GDA Constitution, Bylaws, and Policy Manual and report any errors or omissions to the GDA Executive Director.

3. The Committee shall serve as a source for information pertaining to the GDA Constitution, Bylaws, or Policy Manual and be available to the GDA Board of Trustees or the GDA House of Delegates.

4. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local component society chairman. The Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the GDA President and may be chairman of his or her local component society committee.

5. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to constitution and bylaws issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

6. The Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Constitution and Bylaws Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new member of the Committee.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Committee Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

7. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Council on Dental Health shall endeavor to improve the oral health of all Georgia citizens by addressing matters and programs concerning dental health services.


1. Develop, monitor and promote oral health programs for the citizens of Georgia.

2. Work with private, state and federal agencies in promoting programs that provide opportunities for improved dental care.

3. Coordinate statewide activities that promote oral health. These activities and programs may include, but are not limited to, the following: Children’s Dental Health Month; fluoridation; dental public health; Medicaid; sealant programs; special needs patients; Georgia Spit Tobacco Education Program (GSTEP); Special Olympics, Special Smiles; school programs.

4. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local component society chairman. The Committee Chairman will be appointed by the GDA President. In addition, the Committee Chairman or GDA President shall be permitted to add additional members to the Committee to provide expertise in specific areas.

5. The Committee Chairman, in conjunction with the GDA President, may appoint individuals to serve as Program Liaisons. Program Liaisons will assume the responsibilities of a specific program of the Council on Dental Health. It is the Program Liaison’s responsibility to report the activities of that program to the Committee Chairman of the Council on Dental Health.

6. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to oral health issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

7. 6. The Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Council on Dental Health” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new member of the Committee.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Committee Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a quorum vote of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

8. 7. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Finance Committee shall, in consultation with the officers and committee chairmen of the GDA, prepare annually a budget showing sources and estimated amounts of income and estimated disbursements for the following year and shall be responsible for all investments of the GDA and recommendations on endorsements involving royalty income.


1. The Chairman will be appointed by the President for a term of three years with the option of succession.

A. The terms of committee members shall be for three years and shall be staggered, beginning with the expiration of the first term:

(1.) Central District: 2006

(2.) Eastern District: 2006

(3.) Northern District: 2007

(4.) Northwestern District: 2007

(5.) Southeastern District: 2006

(6.) Southwestern District: 2008

(7.) Western District: 2008

B. The GDA President shall appoint members to the Committee when openings occur.

2. The Committee shall receive, in writing, all requests from the officers and committee chairmen for operating funds for the following year. All requests must be presented to the Chairman on or before May 15.

3. The Committee shall convene at least twice a year in person.

4. A quorum for the transaction of Committee business shall be six (6) duly appointed members.

5. The Committee, in consultation with the President, President Elect, Executive Director, and Chairman of each Standing Committee, shall prepare an annual budget showing sources of income and estimated income and estimated disbursements for the next fiscal year.

A. The fiscal year of the GDA shall end on August 31.

B. The Committee shall allocate the funds available to meet the demands of the GDA in accordance with its best judgment.

6. The Chairman of the Committee shall present the budget to the House of Delegates at the GDA Annual Meeting. A copy of the budget shall be published in the manual prepared for the members of the House. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to advise the House of the Committee’s deliberations regarding budget allocations for committees whose chairmen appeal to the House for additional funds. Requests by a committee for funds in excess of the approved budget must have been submitted to the Finance Committee prior to consideration by the House. Denial by the Finance Committee of any special request may be appealed to the House following the report of the Finance Committee Chairman.

7. The Committee shall have the responsibility of reviewing proposals that request an endorsement by the GDA in exchange for a royalty fee. Recommendations concerning endorsements shall be referred to and approved by the Board of Trustees.

8. The Finance Committee, as authorized by the GDA Bylaws, Article IX, shall enforce certain reimbursement procedures for an elected and/or properly designated GDA representative who attends an out of state, national meeting:

A. Such representative shall be reimbursed the cost of a hotel room for each meeting day at the lowest available published meeting rate; $75 per diem for each official meeting day; $50 ground transportation; and the lowest available airfare, upon providing appropriate documentation and receipts; and

B. Such representative shall submit a reimbursement request within 30 days of attending such meeting, along with a written report to the GDA Board of Trustees that summarizes the proceedings of the meeting and recommends any necessary follow up actions.

C. Any GDA Committee that anticipates that a Committee representative shall attend an out of state, national meeting, during a fiscal year shall submit the cost of such attendance in the Committee’s annual budget proposal. The GDA President has the authority to designate GDA representatives to attend out of state, national meetings that are announced too late for the budgeting process. Reimbursement for such meetings shall be charged to a budget established for this purpose.

9. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be a member ex-officio of the Committee with voting privileges.

10. The Secretary/Treasurer shall monitor the financial status of the GDA, including all expenditures, and shall inform the Board of Trustees of variances between allocated and expended funds by any entity.

11. The Committee, or a subcommittee thereof, shall directly supervise the investment of all funds of the GDA.

12. The Committee shall receive quarterly reports concerning the financial status of the GDA from the Secretary/Treasurer.

13. An annual audit shall be made by the auditor who has been selected by the Board of Trustees and approved by the House of Delegates.

14. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to financial issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

154. The Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Finance Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

a. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new member of the Committee.

b. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. However, changes must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

165. The Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates.



The Forensic Dentistry Committee shall respond to those situations that require application of dental knowledge to the purposes of the law. This shall include, but shall not be limited to, response within the State of Georgia where forensic identification of victims may be necessary.


1. The Committee shall compile and maintain a roster of dentists and auxiliaries willing to assist in post-mortem victim examination.

A. A roster shall be maintained and made available in the GDA Executive Office. Said roster shall be labeled the Forensic Dentistry Identification Team.

B. The Committee Chairman shall notify state Emergency Preparedness officials of the existence of the team and provide instructions on contacting the team in the event of a disaster resulting in a large number of victims.

2. The Committee shall provide orientation and training for team members on an annual basis. Team members shall be instructed in the following:

A. Identification through dental records;

B. Disaster site protocol;

C. Body recovery technique;

D. Team structure;

E. Postmortem examination;

F. Radiology and photography technique; and

G. Victim identification through anthropological data.

3. The Committee shall provide identification badges for team members upon completion of training.

4. The Committee shall establish and maintain liaison with the Georgia State Crime Lab.

5. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local district chairman; the Chairman shall be appointed by the GDA President and may be chairman of his or her local district committee.

6. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to forensic dentistry issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

7. The Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Forensic Dentistry Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new member of the Committee.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Committee Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. However, changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

8. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and GDA House of Delegates.



The Committee on Governmental Affairs shall have the responsibility of monitoring legislation pertaining to dentistry and take an active role in the legislative process. The Committee’s responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the GDA Contact Dentist System, LAW Day program, GADPAC, and GDA’s involvement in the ADA Grassroots Program.


The Committee shall:

1. Monitor legislation affecting dentistry in Georgia, offering recommendations from the dental profession that will be in the best interest of the dental health of the citizens of Georgia.

2. Convey to the component societies information concerning legislative matters and shall solicit aid from component society members.

3. Enhance the effectiveness of the PAC by:

A. Educating and motivating the GDA membership regarding legislative matters;

B. Building and recruiting membership to a high level based on the necessity to actively participate in the legislative processes;

C. Raising PAC funds;

D. Communicating the goals and accomplishments of the PAC through:

(1) Articles;

(2) Special events;

(3) Alliance participation; and

E. Encouraging member involvement with state legislators.

4. Identify and recruit the best legislative candidates for organized dentistry, and shall assist selected candidates in the election process through:

a. Participation in the campaign; and

b. Donation of funds.

5. Develop and maintain a contact dentist for each state and federal legislator, and leading elected officials.

6. Oversee the Legislative Awareness Program (LAW) and encourage participation in LAW Day events.

7. Encourage and assist with component society’s annual legislative receptions.

8. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as component society chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee. In addition, the Committee Chairman or the GDA President shall be permitted to add additional members to the committee to provide expertise in specific areas.

9. The Committee Chairman, in conjunction with the GDA President, shall appoint individuals to serve as Program Liaisons. Program Liaisons will assume the responsibilities of a specific program in the Governmental Affairs Committee. It is the responsibility of the Program Liaison to report the activities of that program to the Chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee.

10. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to governmental affairs issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

11. The Chairman shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual for the Governmental Affairs Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each member of the Committee upon appointment.

B. The Committee shall review the Manual in detail and offer suggestions for revisions as necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. However, changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

12. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Information Technology Committee shall keep abreast of new and emerging technologies that would benefit GDA members in the management of their patients and practices and contribute to the continued efficient operation of the GDA Executive Office.


1. The Committee shall not recommend specific software or hardware to the membership, but rather collate information on new and emerging technology and communicate this information regularly to the membership in a clear and unbiased manner.

2. The Committee shall monitor the GDA’s web site and electronic communications with members and suggest improvements and advances that would benefit the members of the GDA.

3. The Committee shall research and suggest ways in which the GDA can incorporate technology in the area of continuing education.

4. The Committee shall research and suggest ways in which the GDA can use technology to create non-dues revenue streams.

5. The Committee shall serve as a resource for the GDA leadership and Executive Director in creating a technology implementation plan for the GDA Executive Office.

6. The Committee shall be available to the Board of Trustees or the House of Delegates to research technological matters of importance to dentistry.

7. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should serve as chair for their GDA district. An additional member shall serve as the state Chairman of this Committee. The seven district members, and the state Chairman, shall be appointed by the GDA President in consultation with the GDA Executive Director and district presidents.

8. The Committee shall meet in person at least one time per year, with other meetings called as necessary and conducted via conference call or the Internet.

9. The Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Information Technology Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new member of the Committee.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a quorum vote of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

10. The Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates.



The Membership Services Committee shall coordinate, review, and encourage services to be provided to the members of the Georgia Dental Association. These services shall include, but not be limited to, well being and chemical dependency, continuing education, assistance with third party issues, providing information and guidance on disposal of hazardous waste, infectious waste, and wastewater from dental offices and services which improve the relationship with dental ancillary personnel.


The Committee shall:

1. In conjunction with appropriately licensed professionals, assist members who are dependent on alcohol or other addictive drugs in overcoming their dependency and returning to the dental profession after successful treatment.

2. Assist members in coping with personal or professional crises to enable them to continue to lead productive, balanced lives and to provide quality care for their patients.

3. Seek to educate members of the dental profession about problems that affect its members, with the ultimate goals of improving the health of the dental professional and insuring the safety of the patient.

4. Provide scientifically responsible, reasonably priced and geographically accessible continuing education for dental professionals in Georgia.

5. Address matters concerning contract analysis, dental prepayment, quality assessment, alternate dental delivery systems and Federal and State dental programs.

6. Promote dental benefits plans for all Georgia citizens. And assure the delivery of the highest possible quality dental care to the citizens of Georgia by promoting the GDA Peer Review and Ethics System and Freedom of Choice of providers for dental care.

7. Coordinate programs that enhance the relationship with dental office personnel.

8. Coordinate and have responsibility for all GDA sponsored training programs for dental office personnel.

9. Provide information to member dentists regarding hazardous waste, infectious waste, wastewater and the ADA’s Best Management Practices for Amalgam Waste.

10. Be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local district chairman. The Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the GDA President and may be chairman of his or her local component society’s committee. In addition the Committee Chairman or the GDA President shall be permitted to add additional members to the Committee to provide expertise in specific areas.

11. The Committee Chairman in conjunction with the GDA President may appoint individuals to serve as Program Liaisons. Program Liaisons will assume the responsibilities of a specific program in the Membership Services Committee. It is the Program Liaison’s responsibility to report the activities of that program to the Committee Chairman.

12. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to membership services issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

13. The Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Membership Services Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided each new member of the Committee.

B. Each Committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. However, changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

14. The Committee Chairman shall report, in writing, the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Nominating Committee shall nominate GDA state officers, Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the American Dental Association, and candidates for the Georgia Board of Dentistry, and shall make recommendations for the future of the GDA.


1. The President shall serve as Committee Chairman with the right to vote only in the event of a tie.

A. The Committee shall consist of the presidents, presidents elect, and vice presidents of each component society, with the component society vice presidents servings as observers without the right to vote.

B. The GDA President Elect shall serve as an observer without the right to vote. In the absence of the GDA President, the GDA President Elect shall serve as Committee Chairman with the right to vote only in the event of a tie.

2. Actions of the Committee must be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of the all voting members of the Committee. A quorum shall consist of eleven (11) of the voting members. However, at least one voting member from each component society must be present.

3. In August of each year, the Committee Chairman, in consultation with the Executive Director, shall provide to the component society presidents a list of all positions requiring nomination.

4. Two candidates must be submitted to the Committee for each elected office except for state officer positions.

5. All voting for nominees must be by secret ballot.

6. The Committee shall nominate one representative for all elective offices of the GDA, (President Elect, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Editor, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, and/or Associate Editor) and, when necessary, Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the House of Delegates of the ADA. The Committee shall refer those trustees elected by the component societies to the GDA House of Delegates. (An Assistant Secretary may be elected in the final year of the Secretary-Treasurer’s term. An Associate Editor may be elected in the final year of the Editor’s term.)

7. The Committee shall nominate four candidates for recommendation to the Governor as potential members of the Georgia Board of Dentistry (BOD) for each vacancy on the BOD. The Committee shall request nominations from the component society of the Board member whose term is expiring. Nominees for at-large seats shall be made by the GDA Board of Trustees. In the event of an unfulfilled term, the GDA Board of Trustees shall nominate the replacement.

8. Submission of nominations shall be as follows:

A. ADA Delegation: The Committee shall submit its nominations for the ADA Delegation Committee to the Winter meeting of the GDA House of Delegates for election.

B. Georgia Board of Dentistry: The Committee shall submit for approval its nominations for candidates to the Georgia Board of Dentistry to the appropriate meeting of the House of Delegates.

C. GDA State Officers: The Committee shall submit its nominations for GDA state officers to the general membership of the GDA for election at the first business meeting of the GDA in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.

D. GDA Board of Trustees: The Committee shall submit its nominations for the GDA Board of Trustees to the Winter Meeting of the GDA House of Delegates for approval.

9. The Board of Trustees or House of Delegates shall have the right to reject any nominee for any of the following:

A. A candidate has failed to cooperate with the GDA Peer Review process.

B. A candidate has been disciplined by the Georgia Board of Dentistry.

C. A candidate has been disciplined by the Ethics Committee of the GDA.

D. Failure to demonstrate integrity, honesty of purpose and/or adherence to the ADA Code of Ethics.

10. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.

11. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to nomination issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

12. The Committee Chairman shall be responsible for maintaining a current “Nominating Committee Manual” on file with the Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall only be provided to each Committee member upon appointment.

B. Each Committee member shall review the manual in detail and make suggestions for revisions as necessary. This manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

13. The Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Peer Review and Ethics Committee shall investigate and mediate complaints from patients, dentists, and third parties concerning quality of care and appropriateness of treatment, and shall implement and enforce a code of professional standards for the Georgia Dental Association.


1. The Committee must provide an expert and credible system for resolving disagreements that cannot be resolved through mediation.

2. Upon request, a patient, dentist, or third party carrier shall be informed of the general procedures of the GDA Peer Review and/ or Ethics procedure.

3. Upon written request, the Committee shall investigate complaints made by a patient, member dentist, or third party carrier.

4. The Committee will investigate four main areas:

A. The appropriateness of care;

B. The quality of treatment given;

C. Whether the fee in question is indeed the dentist’s usual fee for that given procedure. However, the GDA Peer Review or Ethics program shall not be used to resolve fee disputes; and

D. If an action, behavior, or treatment rendered by a member dentist violates the ADA’s “Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct.”

5. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local component society chairman; the Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the GDA President and may be a chairman of his or her local component society committee. In addition, the Committee Chairman or the GDA President shall be permitted to add additional members to the Committee to provide expertise in specific areas. The Committee Chairman or the GDA President shall appoint a Program Liaison for Ethics.

6. The Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the actions and performances of the members and their auxiliary personnel to insure that the Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct established by the American Dental Association, as well as that of the Georgia Dental Association, are followed.

7. The Committee shall report violations of the state dental laws by dentists, technicians, auxiliaries, or any unlicensed persons to the proper state or federal agency for investigation and necessary action.

8. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to peer review and ethics issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

9. The Committee Chairman shall be responsible for maintaining a current “Peer Review and Ethics Manual” on file with the Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall only be provided to each Committee member upon appointment.

B. Each Committee member shall review the manual in detail and make suggestions for revisions as necessary. This manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

10. The Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Public Relations Committee shall promote a proper image of dentistry to the public and shall assure that there is good communication and understanding between the GDA and other organizations and agencies pertaining to oral health and the practice of dentistry.


1. The Committee shall seek to improve the public image of the GDA and its members by:

A. Remaining aware of methods and activities for improving access to dental care that may be developed by the GDA.

B. Informing the public of actions taken by the dental profession that will help improve the oral health of Georgia citizens (such as the Free Screening Program).

C. Developing and maintaining an active speakers bureau for the dissemination of information concerning the importance of good oral health.

D. Training all GDA spokespersons to respond to issues related to oral health and the dental profession.

E. Establishing and maintaining good relationships with all aspects of the media.

F. When appropriate, researching and developing methods of institutional advertising for recommendation to the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.

2. The Committee shall work to increase awareness of the benefits associated with being a member of the GDA and shall strive to improve communications within the GDA through various publications, such as GDA Action, the Membership Sourcebook and Directory, and the GDA web site.

3. The Committee shall assist in developing and maintaining relationships with other dental organizations. These include, but are not limited to, the Georgia Board of Dentistry, the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry, dental specialty organizations, the Academy of General Dentistry, the Hinman Dental Society, and any allied dental organizations.

4. The Committee shall assist the component societies in carrying out informational activities.

5. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local component society chairman. The Committee Chairman will be appointed by the GDA President. The Editor shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. In addition, the Committee Chairman or the GDA President shall be permitted to add additional members to the Committee to provide expertise in specific areas.

6.The Committee Chairman in conjunction with the GDA President may appoint individuals to serve as Program Liaisons. Program Liaisons will assume the responsibilities of a specific program established by the Public Relations Committee. It is the Program Liaison’s responsibility to report the activities of that program to the Committee Chairman of the Public Relations Committee.

7. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to public relations issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

8. The Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Public Relations Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each new member of the Committee.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Committee Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

9. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Recruitment and Retention Committee shall have the responsibility of monitoring the membership of the GDA. The Committee shall also have the responsibility for the New Dentist, Student Relations, Mentor, and Relief /Necrology programs.


1. The Recruitment and Retention Committee shall actively engage in a recruitment and retention program to solicit non-member dentists, licensed in the State of Georgia, for membership and work to retain current members in the GDA.

2. The Committee shall enhance the effectiveness of New Dentist Program by welcoming and serving as a source of information and assistance to dentists beginning their practice in Georgia.

3. The Committee shall implement the GDA Board of Trustees Relief Trust and shall act as custodian of said trust funds, administering those funds. The Relief Trust funds shall be administered in a manner consistent with the Indenture of Trust and Rules and Regulations adopted thereunder.

4. The Committee shall gather and maintain information pertaining to deceased members.

5. The Committee shall provide information and assistance to students attending Georgia schools of dentistry and shall maintain good communication between students and GDA members.

6. The Committee shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local district chairman of the Recruitment and Retention Committee. In addition the Committee Chairman or the GDA President shall be permitted to add additional members to the committee to provide expertise in specific areas.

7. The Committee Chairman in conjunction with the GDA President shall appoint individuals to serve as Program Liaisons. Program Liaisons will assume the responsibilities of a specific program in the Recruitment and Retention Committee. It is the responsibility of the Program Liaison to report the activities of that program to the Committee Chairman of the Recruitment and Retention Committee.

8. By June 1 of even numbered years, the Committee shall submit questions relevant to recruitment and retention issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

9. The Committee Chairman shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual for the Recruitment and Retention Committee” on file with the Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided to each member of the Committee upon appointment.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Committee Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

10. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.



The Workforce Committee shall monitor and review issues related to dental work force, including dentists and auxiliary personnel.


The Committee shall:

1. Review Georgia’s federally designated Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas (DHPSA) to determine accuracy. When necessary, the Committee shall forward correct data to the appropriate state and federal agencies.

2. Compile workforce data and distribute to component societies and appropriate agencies.

3. Evaluate HRSA’s protocol for designating DHPSAs and work with appropriate agencies to provide input when the need arises.

4. Work with governmental agencies and the American Dental Association to monitor workforce issues and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees when appropriate.

5. By June 1 of even numbered years, submit questions relevant to workforce issues to the GDA Executive Director to be included in the biennial GDA member survey.

6. Be comprised of at least seven (7) members, each of whom should be serving as local district chairman. The chairman shall be appointed by the GDA President and may be chairman of his or her local district committee. In addition the Committee Chairman or the GDA President shall be permitted to add additional members to the Committee to provide expertise in specific areas.

7. The Committee Chairman, in consultation with the GDA staff, shall be responsible for maintaining a current detailed “Procedure Manual of the Georgia Dental Association Workforce Committee” on file with the GDA Executive Director.

A. A copy of the manual shall be provided each new member of the Committee.

B. Each committee member shall review the manual in detail and offer to the Committee Chairman suggestions, in writing, for revisions considered necessary. The manual may be changed by a majority vote of the Committee. Changes must be submitted to the GDA Board of Trustees for final approval.

8. The Committee Chairman shall report in writing the activities of the Committee to each meeting of the GDA Board of Trustees and the GDA House of Delegates.








Important Dates:
Mark your Calendar

September 16 Exec Council,
                   18th District Meeting - GDA Officers

Oct - all day staff meeting? or do this on a Friday in May 2009?

Nov 18th Exec Council
        20th District Meeting - 

Dec 2nd – Legislative Reception at The Brickyard at Riverside Golf  Club  w Spouses!

Feb 17 Exec Meeting
      19th District Meeting ( date at WRAFB ? - Don Benton's office is usually the liaison - there will be a new  Base Dental Commander then)

Mar 25 – LAW Day (is the week after Hinman this year)


May – 19 Exec Council,
           21 – District Meeting (combine with an all day staff meeting on a Friday? )

Jul – GDA Annual Meeting ***150th - at the  Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC


Board of Trustees  

Board of Trustees Minutes

June 21, 2008

President Donna Thomas Moses convened the Board of Trustees on June 21, 2008 at 9:20 a.m. Dr. Jay Harrington gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Dr. Jim Hall called the roll and declared a quorum.

Present: Dr. Donna Thomas Moses, presiding; Drs. Chris Adkins, Robert Carpenter, Celeste Coggin, Matt Adams (for Cathy Cook), Brent Depta, Jim Hall, Jay Harrington, Lindsay Holliday, Kent Percy, David Perry, Robin Reich, Mark Ritz, Mike Rogers, Kent Simmons, Sidney Tourial, Bob Vaught, Richard Weinman, Erik Wells. Absent: Drs. Jonathan Dubin and Ben Duval. Guests: Drs. Bruce Camp, Nelson Conger, Celia Dunn, Stan Halpern, Chris Hasty, Ben Jernigan, Roy Lehrman, David Remaley. GDA Staff: Martha Phillips, Nelda Greene, Skip Jones, Courtney Layfield, Melana Kopman McClatchey, Denis Mucha, Pam Yungk.


The minutes of the April 5, 2008, Board of Trustees meeting were approved by general consent.

Ms. Martha Phillips introduced the new GDA legal counsel, Melana Kopman McClatchey, who replaced Mr. Robert Renjel who relocated to Washington, D.C.

Action items

The Board of Trustees reviewed the following action items from the April 5, 2008 meeting:

  1. The requested changes to the GDA Policy Manual and GDA Bylaws concerning the Community Service Award, the Membership Services Committee and the ADA Delegation were presented in the Constitution and Bylaws Committee report.

  2. Possible 2009 legislation was discussed in the Governmental Affairs Committee report.

  3. GDA staff will survey the House of Delegates members concerning electronic distribution of the HOD manual at the July meeting.

  4. Dr. Moses and Dr. Ritz met with Dr. Joe Hair to discuss suggestions concerning the Expanded Duties for Dental Assistants program. A final report is forthcoming.

  5. The GDA contribution to Dr. Schweinebraten’s campaign for ADA President Elect was handled at the Finance Committee meeting.

  6. Dr. Moses reported that Dr. Mike Loden will be the GDA representative attending the New Dentist Conference. Other GDA members attending are Dr. Kara Moore, Central District and Dr. Elizabeth Lewis, Northwestern District.

  7. The officer compensation recommendations were handled at the Finance Committee meeting.

  8. Since no districts reported their findings concerning non-renewing members, Dr. Moses charged each district with referring this task to their Recruitment and Retention Committee and with calling each non-renewing member to encourage membership.

  9. The plaque for Dr. Jim Reynierson has been finalized.

  10. A letter was sent to the Board of Dentistry concerning the new ADA Sedation Guidelines and the BOD is considering new rules on this matter.

  11. The Georgia Masons have been notified that the GDA is encouraging dentists to participate in the GA CHIP program in their communities.

Executive Session

At 9:30 a.m. the GDA Board of Trustees went into Executive Session to discuss matters with GDA Legal Counsel, Ms. Melana Kopman McClatchey. Executive Session ended at 10:00 a.m.

President’s report

Dr. Moses discussed the following:

  • Attendance at the following meetings and events: annual specialty groups meeting; expanded duties committee meeting; tour of the MCG Simulation Center with two Board of Dentistry members; May BOD Rules Committee and full BOD meeting; First Annual Missions Free Clinic Day; ADA Washington Leadership Conference (WLC); President’s Trip to Italy with 54 attendees; Governmental Affairs Committee meeting; June Board of Dentistry meeting; Expanded Duties Committee meeting; GDIS/PDRS/GDHC boards meeting.

  • At the ADA WLC, the GDA received the Most Outstanding Action Team Award for its fundraising efforts for Senators Greg Goggans and Lee Hawkins.

  • At the June Board of Dentistry (BOD) meeting, the BOD discussed and verbally answered the questions submitted by the GDA concerning the advertising rules. All questions were forwarded to the Rules Committee for review.

  • The GDA wrote a letter to the Board of Dentistry concerning the on-going issue of whitening kiosks and patient safety.

  • At the GDA’s request, the BOD provided confirmation of those duties that dental hygienists can perform in nursing homes and other institutional settings. This information has been provided to the Coalition of Advocates for Georgia’s Elderly (CO-AGE).

  • Georgia has received an additional delegate and alternate delegate to the ADA House of Delegates. These are at-large positions and districts have been notified. (Note: these positions will be elected at the January House of Delegates through the normal Nominating Committee process for the 2009 ADA House of Delegates).

  • Dr. Moses read a letter from 5th District Trustee Marie Schweinebraten thanking the GDA for its support of her campaign and for the financial contribution.

  • Discussed details of the settlement of a lawsuit by the FDA concerning the classification of EMAA.

  • Legislation was introduced in the 110th Congress cited as the “Oral Health Initiative Action of 2008.” This legislation was referred to the Governmental Affairs Committee and to the ADA Delegation to review and make recommendations concerning the GDA’s position.

  • Dr. Moses thanked the 2007-08 Board of Trustees for “allowing me the opportunity to serve beside you.” She presented each member with a leather bookmark commemorating their year of service with the Board of Trustees.

ADA Councils and Commissions

The BOT reviewed written reports from the following representatives on ADA Councils and Commissions:

  • Dr. Marie Schweinebraten, 5th District Trustee, provided an extensive written report on the ADA Board meetings. Dr. Mark Ritz highlighted several areas in Dr. Schweinebraten’s absence, who was attending the ADA BOT meeting. Topics discussed were the Executive Director Search Committee (Dr. Schweinebraten is a member); the need for more dentists to be involved in the treatment of younger children; salivary diagnosis; definition of “over the counter.”

  • Dr. Mark Ritz, Council on Dental Practice, discussed several areas from his written report. He stated that he was elected as vice chair of the council and that he is excited about the partnership with the ADA , HHS, the AMA and the Chicago Department of Public Health in the Building a Healthier Chicago initiative since it focuses on health outcomes.

  • Dr. Chip Mohme, Council on Annual Sessions, reported on the upcoming 2008 Annual Session in San Antonio.

  • The following representatives had no report since their councils had not convened: Dr. Carol Wolff, Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs; Dr. Jay McCaslin, Council on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations; Dr. Ed Green, Council on Communications, Dr. Chris McFarland, AADE Liaison; Dr. Karen Crews, Council on Scientific Affairs; Dr. Deborah Bishop, Council on Dental Benefit Programs; Dr. Howard Gamble, Council on Governmental Affairs; Dr. Walter Diaz, Council on Membership; Dr. John Dumas, Council on New Dentist; Dr. Larry Browder, Insurance and Retirement Programs.

Governmental Agencies

Dr. Jimmy Talbot, member of the Department of Human Resources Board, provided a written report that stated Dr. Sandra Elizabeth Ford is the Interim Director of the Division of Public Health. Dr. Lynn Mullis (Health Strategies Council member), Dr. Richard Singer (DCH Drug Utilization Review Board) and Dr. Annette Rainge (Health Information Technology and Transparency Advisory Board) had nothing new to report.

Report of the Executive Director

Ms. Martha Phillips reported on the following topics: CMS Medicaid audit in Georgia; trends in healthcare (spa/boutique medical practices, dentists’ use of ‘info-mercials’ to promote their practice). Ms Phillips also stated that the GDA is in the process of drafting the 2008 GDA Member Survey which will be sent to members in September. A working draft of the survey was distributed and attendees were asked to submit comments or suggested questions to Nelda at the GDA Office by August 8. Ms Phillips stated that she will have an extensive report to the July House of Delegates.

A suggestion was made to survey non-members to determine why the dentist is not a GDA member. This suggestion was referred to the Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee.

Georgia Dental Insurance Services, Inc. (GDIS)

Mr. Denis Mucha referred the BOT to GDIS’s written report, which provided an update on the medical plan, professional liability, property and casualty lines, and disability. He also stated that Fireman’s Fund is withdrawing from the malpractice arena. The GDIS Board met on June 20 and approved the 2008-09 GDIS budget.

Georgia Dental Holding Company (GDHC)

Dr. Jim Hall stated that the GDHC Board met on June 20 in conjunction with the GDIS and PDRS Boards and the 2008-09 GDHC budget was approved as presented.

Professional Debt Recovery Services (PDRS)

Mr. Skip Jones reported that PDRS now has over 400 members and PDRS has collected over $122,000 dollars from delinquent patients since January 2008. Mr. Jones stated that since branching out and exploring new prospective clients. PDRS is pursuing the following prospects; MCG Hospital, Rainbow Graphics, HGA Landscaping and Karate USA. The PDRS Board approved the 2008-09 PDRS budget.

Report of the Associate Executive Director

Ms. Nelda Greene discussed the spring CORPS visits to the dental hygiene schools and announced the First CORPS Appreciation Event which will be held September 20 at the Atlanta Braves game. She also reported on two media interviews handled by Drs. Moses and Ritz.

Presentation by persons from the Georgia Dental Hygienists’ Association

Ms. Pam Cushenan, Ms. Beth Roach, and Ms. Keisha Myrick attended the meeting to discuss preventive oral health care for the elderly and the developmentally disabled populations. Ms. Cushenan and Ms. Roach made presentations to the Board of Trustees and answered questions from the group.

Committee Reports

The Board of Trustees reviewed committee and staff reports.

Council on Dental Health

Dr. Leah Cook’s written report provided highlights of Children’s Dental Health Month, Medicaid CMO update, and the Special Olympics, Special Smiles event in May.

Membership Services

Dr. Becky Weinman’s written report provided an update on the Dental Recovery Network.

Peer Review

Dr. Jim Roos reported that Peer Review has 13 open cases to complete and one open ethics case. Due to the volume of cases from the Northern District, the Peer Review Committee is expanding to add two additional Northern District members to assist with the case load.

ADA Delegation

Dr. Richard Weinman reported that the delegation is reworking the Delegation Procedure Manual with the goal of making the delegation more effective. He also commented on the many responses in JADA concerning the midlevel provider editorial.

Forensic Dentistry

Dr. Tom David reported on the May 10 training session at the GDA executive office presented by Dr. Paul Brumit. The course was attended by 35 GDA member dentists, staff and persons from the forensic field.

Governmental Affairs

Dr. Nelson Conger referred the BOT to his written report and the minutes from the Governmental Affairs Committee conference call. [08-6.01] Dr. Kent Percy moved that the Board of Trustees accept the recommendation from the GDA Governmental Affairs Committee to award Senator Greg Goggans the GDA Legislator of the Year award. The motion passed unanimously.

[08-6.02] Dr. Erik Wells moved that the Board of Trustees support the recommendation from the GDA Governmental Affairs Committee to pursue legislation that mandates excused absences from school for dental appointments. The motion passed unanimously.

The BOT commended and thanked Dr. Nelson Conger for his leadership and guidance of the Governmental Affairs Committee for the past several years.

Finance Committee

Dr. Jim Hall presented the GDA’s 2008-09 proposed budget as recommended by the Finance Committee. There were no questions from BOT members concerning the budget. [08-6.03] Dr. Jim Hall moved for the Board of Trustees to approve the FY2009 budget as recommended and presented by the Finance Committee. The motion passed unanimously.

[08-6.04] Dr. Jim Hall moved for the Board of Trustees to approve the Finance Committee’s recommendations on the following GDA endorsements: rescind the endorsement of TDIC (professional liability) and Emdeon (electronic claims processing) and approve the joint ADA/GDA endorsement of Lands End (apparel). The motion passed unanimously.

Membership Recruitment and Retention

The BOT reviewed the various activities of the Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee. Senior student Cara DeLeon received the GDA/ASDA Outstanding Senior Award and Dr. Carole Hanes received the GDA/ASDA Outstanding Dental Faculty Award.

Public Relations

Dr. Robin Reich presented the Public Relations Committee’s proposed draft of the patient education brochure concerning ADA recognized specialties. [08-6.05] Dr. Robin Reich moved for the Board of Trustees to approve version 2 (abbreviated version concerning the ADA Code of Ethics) of the Public Relations Committee patient education brochure concerning the ADA recognized specialties. The motion passed unanimously. Funds were approved in the GDA’s FY2009 budget for production of the brochure.

Constitution and Bylaws

Dr. Celia Dunn presented various changes proposed to the GDA Constitution, Bylaws and Policy Manual.

  • [08-6.06] Dr. Celia Dunn moved that the following change to the GDA Constitution be approved by the Board of Trustees and forwarded to the July 2008 House of Delegates for consideration: Article VIII be amended to read as follows: “The Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct of the American Dental Association shall govern the professional conduct of all members at any GDA meetings.” The motion passed unanimously.

  • [08-6.07] Dr. Celia Dunn moved that the Board of Trustees approve amending the GDA Policy Manual concerning the Awards Committee as outlined below and forward to the July 2008 House of Delegates for consideration:

A new subsection 4D. under the section entitled “AWARDS COMMITTEE.” (which shall read as printed below):

GDA Community Service Award: This award recognizes a GDA member dentist who distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary service to the quality of life and health of persons in their local, state, national, or international community via the field of dentistry. The intent is to honor members whose individual volunteer commitments reflect well on the Association and profession at large, and raise the profile of all dentists.

(1.) Requirements: In order to be considered for the GDA Community Service Award, a candidate shall:

a. Contribute significantly to enriching the quality of life and improving the health of those served.

b. Demonstrate outstanding leadership and humanitarian volunteer accomplishments.

c. Serve as an inspiration to the dental profession.

d. Show through their scope of volunteer work altruism in regard to personal or organizational gain or profit.

e. Establish a legacy that is of continuing value and benefit to others.

f. Demonstrate integrity, honesty of purpose, and adherence to the Code of Ethics of the ADA.

g. Be a member in good standing of the Georgia Dental Association and have maintained that membership for at least 10 continuous years.

(2.) Recommendations:

a. Recommendations for the GDA Community Service Award may be made by any member of a component society for another member of the same component society. Self-recommendations will not be recognized.

b. Recommendations must be accompanied by a completed nomination form, which provides details on the volunteer activities of the member, including specific actions and leadership skills demonstrated, and methods used to improve the quality of life and health of persons within the member’s community, the population group(s) served, and the long term impact of these activities. The form may be accompanied by supporting materials such as photos or newspaper clippings.

c. Recommendations must also be accompanied by a current curriculum vitae and at least two letters of support from appropriate individuals, who are not the nominator, attesting to the dentist’s qualifications.

d. A component society may submit a maximum of (1) candidate for this award in a given year. The component society’s Awards Committee is not required to nominate a candidate in any given year.

(3.) Nominations:

a. The GDA Awards Committee shall review all component nominations, and may nominate a maximum of two (2) members in a given year who have satisfied the award requirements. The GDA Awards Committee is not required to nominate a candidate in any given year.

b. Those members selected for designation as GDA Community Service Award honorees shall be so notified and presented with a suitable award in a ceremony at a component or state meeting.

The motion passed unanimously.

  • [08-6.08] Dr. Celia Dunn moved that the Board of Trustees approve amending the GDA Policy Manual concerning the Membership Services Committee as outlined below and forward to the July 2008 House of Delegates for consideration (new language is underlined):



The Membership Services Committee shall coordinate, review, and encourage services to be provided to the members of the Georgia Dental Association. These services shall include, but not be limited to, well being and chemical dependency, continuing education, assistance with third party issues, providing information and guidance on disposal of hazardous waste, infectious waste, and wastewater from dental offices and services which improve the relationship with dental ancillary personnel.

(a new item 9 to read as follows):

9. “Provide information to member dentists regarding hazardous waste, infectious waste, wastewater and the ADA’s Best Management Practices for Amalgam Waste.”

(All subsequent numbers shall be renumbered accordingly.)

The motion passed unanimously.

  • [08-6.09] Dr. Celia Dunn moved that the Board of Trustees approve amending the GDA Policy Manual concerning the ADA Delegation as outlined below and forward to the July 2008 House of Delegates for consideration (new language is underlined):

ADA DELEGATION POLICY MANUALsection 2.F. of the Policy Manual shall be amended to read as follows:

F. The 9th Delegate, Alternate Delegate and any additional Delegate or Alternate Delegate positions obtained shall be at-large positions with the following election protocol:

The motion passed unanimously.

  • [08-6.10] Dr. Celia Dunn moved that the Board of Trustees approve amending the GDA Policy Manual concerning the ADA Delegation as outlined below and forward to the July 2008 House of Delegates for consideration (new language is underlined):

ADA DELEGATION POLICY MANUAL– Sections 5. and 6. of the Policy Manual shall be amended to read as follows: [as a housekeeping measure, the order of 5. and 6. as they appear in the Policy Manual are being reversed]

5. Candidates for expiring terms shall be presented to the GDA House by the Nominating Committee. All component societies shall submit at least two names to the Nominating Committee for consideration for any expired delegate or alternate delegate position.

6. Delegates and Alternate Delegates may be elected by the GDA House at the Winter meeting.

The motion passed unanimously.

Annual Meeting

Dr. Moses encouraged everyone to register for the many fun events at annual meeting. She charged the districts with forming their teams for the District Challenge Beach Olympics at the Friday evening Country Fair and to put on their western wear for the Blue Jeans Ball.

Task Force on GDA 150th Celebration

Dr. Celeste Coggin reported on the activities for the GDA’s Sesquicentennial Celebration. She stated that 150th Celebration lapel pins will be available for $25 as well as other mementoes. The deadline for the 150 Faces Campaign was extended to October 1. The committee is asking each member of the BOT to submit a case to the Campaign and to also recruit for the program.

Task Force on GDA History

Dr. Kent Percy stated that the GDA History will be ready by August 1.

Task Force on Leadership Development

The BOT reviewed Leadership Development Task Force Chairman Don Johnson’s report from the task force’s May 17 meeting. President Moses stated that she identified the following five action items that will be referred back to the task force for an implementation plan:

  1. Send a welcoming survey to newly licensed dentists that would serve as a contact by the GDA but would also introduce the various committee opportunities available for involvement.

  2. Develop a written Procedure Manual for districts to use that contains job responsibilities/descriptions.

  3. Initiate open forums within the districts as well as the Board of Trustees to plan long range and to seek out those individuals who need an opportunity to serve. Have an evaluation process for those who serve in leadership positions.

  4. Provide a local participation program, such as Toastmasters, that provides adequate training for those interested in conducting meetings or making presentations.

  5. Establish a task force to study the possibilities of redistricting based upon practicing populations and the feasibility of equalizing the sizes of the various districts.

Other task forces

Dr. Moses stated that the following task forces have completed their charges and now disbanded: Task Force to Study Patient Survey and the Task Force to Review ADA Sedation Guidelines. She thanked the committee members for their service.

Unfinished business

Dr. Jim Hall reviewed and presented the consolidated budgets of GDHC, GDIS, and PDRS. [08-6.11] Dr. Jim Hall moved for the Board of Trustees to approve the consolidated budgets for GDHC, GDIS and PDRS. The motion passed unanimously.

New business

Dr. Jay Harrington resigned as the Central District Trustee effective June 30, 2008, to assume his duties as GDA Vice President in August. Dr. Lindsay Holliday informed the BOT that the Central District Executive Council appointed Dr. Mike Loden to fulfill Dr. Harrington’s term as trustee.

Dr. Moses stated that MCG dental student William Bennett is running for national ASDA president and had contacted her for the GDA’s support. Dr. Percy reported that he needs help with Trustee contacts in the New England and northeast areas. [08-6.12] Dr. Lindsay Holliday moved for the GDA to provide financial support to William Bennett, MCG dental student running for national ASDA president, in an amount up to $1000 from the General Contingency Fund. The motion passed unanimously.

Dr. Erik Wells stated that it would be extremely helpful to the districts to have a forum or some avenue for all districts to benefit from the experiences and knowledge from attendance at national meetings. Ms. Phillips stated that GDA staff will work on ideas that would assist with this request.


Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

Action Items – June 21, 2008

  1. Contact each non-renewing member in your district by phone and report findings to GDA (Pam Yungk). BOT members

  2. Refer the “Oral Health Initiative Action of 2008” legislation to the GDA Governmental Affairs Committee and to the ADA Delegation for their review and recommendation on a position. Conger/Bickford; Weinman

  3. Submit comments and suggestions concerning the draft 2008 GDA Member Survey to Nelda at the GDA office (greene@gadental.org or 404.633.3943). BOT

  4. Investigate the possibility of surveying non-member dentists to determine why they are not members. Stockwell

  5. Award GDA Legislator of the Year to Senator Greg Goggans. Conger

  6. Pursue legislation that mandates excused absences from school for dental appointments. Phillips

  7. Rescind endorsement of TDIC and Emdeon; approve the endorsement of Lands End. Phillips/Yungk

  8. Forward various changes to the Constitution, Bylaws and Policy Manual to July HOD. Dunn

  9. Refer action items from the Leadership Task Force report to the Task Force on Leadership Development for an implementation plan. Don Johnson

  10. Assist William Bennett, who is running for national ASDA President, with contacts in New England and the northeastern U.S. BOT

  11. Consult with William Bennett about financial needs of his campaign and contribute funds up to $1000 from the General Contingency Fund to assist with campaign expenses. Yungk

  12. Brainstorm ideas to assist the districts in capitalizing on the benefits received from attending national conferences. Phillips/GDA Staff



Calendar and Officers
 CDDS Officers 2008-2009:
President - Lindsay Holliday
Pres Elect - Roy Lehrman  
Vice Pres - Kara Griffin Moore
Secretary-Treasurer - Don Benton 
Editor - John Bowman  
    (Assistant Editor - Amy Lee)

Trustee GDA -   Mike Loden (to complete the 2009 term of Jay Harrington who is now GDA-VP)

Delegate to ADA - Ty Ivey  (term)


Committee Appointments:
   Awards        Deena Holliman Smith
   Const./Bylaws             Jon Griggs,  Roy Lehrman 
   Counc. on Dental Health          Shirley Fisher
   Finance                         Kendrick Mathews
   Forensic Dentistry           Ashley Walker

   GADPAC                   Paul Fraysure
   Gov.  Affairs                Bill Argo
   Information Technology    Roy Lehrman
   Membership Services        Roy Lehrman
   Peer Review                      Thomas Woodcock
   Public Relations                   Lindsay Holliday
   Recruitment and Retention         Ched Smaha
   Workforce                        Shirley Fisher

GDA Delegation:    
Kendrick Mathews (Chairman)
Steve McClain,
 Nancy O'Brien,
Alfred Peters,
Paul Fraysure,

Alternate Delegates:  
Roy Lehrman 
Craig McCroba,
Shirley Fisher,
Deena Holliman Smith 
Mike Loden

Nominating Committee
Mike Loden, Kendrick Mathews, Ty Ivey, Bob Vedder, Ashley Walker

- notes from the ByLaws - - -
Nominating Committee -
It shall be a policy of the CDDS that the Nominating Committee shall consist of the following:
1. Immediate Past President of the CDDS
2. Chairman of the CDDS Delegation to GDA House of Delegates
3. The Senior ADA Delegate or Alternate ADA Delegate
4. Two members at large from the CDDS. (These members will be elected at the September meeting of this Society. Nomination will be accepted from the floor

The Nominating Committee will present its slate of candidates for current CDDS elected positions at the February meeting of this Society.

Election of Officers and Delegate positions will be held at the CDDS February meeting.


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