LINDSAY FAMILY J. C. W. Lindsay son of Colonel John Lindsay of the Revolutionary War was born November 26, 1795 in Wilkes Co, GA. Died May 22, 1870 in Upson County, Georgia
His wife, Nancy Fowler Houghton daughter of James Houghton was born June 24, 1794 in Green County, Georgia and died June 23, 1875 in Upson County Georgia.
They were married by Rev. Dr. Lovick Pierce November 26, 1817 in Green County, Georgia.
They and some of their children were buried in this, the Lindsay Family Burial Ground, in Upson County, Georgia.
The above inscription is on a tombstone made of pewter in the Lindsay Burial Ground, located on a farm owned by Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll on Willis Road in Upson County, Georgia. [new info map]
Direction from Barnesville, Georgia to Burial Ground:
Go out the road to Yatesville about six miles, turn right into Willis Road, go out Willis Road about 1 and 1/2 miles to the Carrol Farm, located on the left side of the road.
The Burial Ground is about 3/4 mile from the road where the house is located.
Text above was transcribed from a one-page typewritten insert in a letter to Mrs. L. Lindsay Dozier 997 Perdue Street Macon Georgia. Postmarked Jan 8th 2PM Griffin, GA. 1963. Another inserted, a typed page dated January 7th, 1963 is signed Susie Holmes Colquitt (Mrs. Otis L.) of 525 South 6th Street, Griffin, Ga. It reads:
Griffin, Georgia
January 7, 1963.
Dear Mrs. Lindsey [sic - from here out I will spell the name with an "a" although she consistently spelled it with an "e"] :
It must have been about two years ago when I talked to you concerning the Lindsay family. I was unable to follow it up at that time.
I have undertaken the tremendous and intricate (but fascinating and pleasant) task of compiling a booklet or manuscript on the ancestry and descendants of Major John Lindsay who died in Wilkes County in 1808. Of course I hope that I can go back at least two more generations. However, this cannot be done without much assistance in obtaining family data.
The family Group Sheets that you will find inclosed is for one household only, and includes the parents and children of the household. [I found these sheets to still be in the envelope - unmarked yet in 1999] For each household down the line of descendants, a seperate sheet is to be filled out.
If you or any member of your family happen to have any information of any kind relative to the history of this family, I hope that you will write it out or copy same to me. Often splendid leads are found from bits of information contained in old letters, Bible entries, scraps of paper with recollection of names, dates, names of cemetaries, etc.; even from family legends, all of which appear to be of no importance. I would like very much to have some human interest stories.
Would like to include a "Roll CAll" of all members of family, including in-laws, who served in either War. Please furnish names, numbers, companies, ranks, etc. of all who served.
I remeber Cousin Lucius [ Lucius Augustus Dozier see his family page ] and his precious wife, and then too, Dolly, her son, Fred, Ora, Julia, and I believe another boy. I don't think that your husband was there but I could be wrong. I make reference to a reunion that was held in Barnesville on June 10, 1928. When I talked to you over the phone, I didn't know that your husband was of thish family. I know that some of thish family have died, but please send me the addresses of the ones who are left.
I will appreciate it very much if you will fill in every blank possible, using full names (no initials) please. For your convenience, I am enclosing a self-addressed and stamped envelope. [this envelope was still present with two 5-cent stamps coming loose]
If you know of anyone who might help me with furnishing data concerning their family, please let me know. Who was Nathan B. Dozier who married Elizabeth Colquitt on 9-13-1836 in Troup Co.? Elizabeth was the daughter of Benjamin Fero Hamilton Lindsay.
Thank you so much.
Susie Holmes Colquitt (Mrs. O. L.)
* * * * * * *
Also in the envelope was a note in long-hand - transcribed below:
I think that I promised you a picture of Jackson Clarke Watkins Houghton[sic - Houghton is his wife's maiden name - not his] Lindsay and his wife Nancy Fowler Houghton Lindsay. Sorry that I have been so long in sending it.
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Sara Colquitt who lives in Barnesville, has an enlarged picture that Aunt Anna Gardner gave her many years ago. The photographer here in Griffin made these pictures from the enlarged one for me. I am so proud of them.
Do you have a copy of J.C.W.L.'s will? I obtained one from the courthouse in Thomaston. Will be glad to make you a copy.
I have been told that JCWL died suddenly at the home of Angelina Rebecca Lindsay Dozier, and that he was riding his horse (a white horse) and fell off dead. Do you know if this is true? Thanks [no signature here, the "thanks" is crammed into the lower right hand corner of the page - no room left - and the back of the page is blank. I am led to assume it was written by Susie Holmes Colquitt (Mrs. O. L.)]
I [Lindsay Holliday 1999] have a pictoral family tree whose main trunk begans with John Lindsay of Wilkes County Ga (Scotch Irish (died 1811)) whose 2nd wife was Clarissa Bullock Sims (daughter of Nathaniel Bullock of NC - a revolutionary soldier) She died at age 62 on Sept 28th 1831 in Greene County Ga.
It includes this box:
This is to certify that John Lindsay as a worthy refuge
entitled to a bounty of land agreable to the rank of Major. Given under my hand at Augusta, this 6th day of April, 1784. (signed) E. Clark Colonel I hereby certify the above certificate is of record in this office. Secretary of State ________________________ State of Georgia |
The graph shows that their son Jackson Clarke Watkins Lindsay married Nancy Fowler Hougton.
Jackson and Nancy had the following children:
1- L. Quintus, 2- James Fletcher, 3- Ann Antionette, 4- Lovick, 5- John Wesley, 6- Francis Matilda, 7- Sarah, 8- Pleades Orion, and 9- Angeline Rebecca who married Nace Dozier.
Angeline Lindsay and Nace Dozier had 6 children:
1- Jim, 2-Edward, 3- Fanny, 4- Lucius Augustus, 5- Ora, and 6- John Tom
One of these - Lucius Augustus Dozier married Mary Annie Eve Holder. They had 11 children: 1- Gordon, 2- Mary Rebecca (Grace), 3- Lucius Lindsay, 4- Frederick, 5- Antionette, 6- Julia, 7- Anna, 8- Alma, 9- Willie. 10- Ethel (Watson) 11- Ora [not in order]
One of the 11 - Lucius Lindsay Dozier married Lucy Alice Mary Anne Specht. They had one daughter - Mary Lucille Dozier (8-28-26)
Mary married Peter Osborne (7-9-21) Holliday, Jr. on November 12th, 1949. Their 4 children:
Peter III (3-24-1951), Lucy Riley (12-17-52),
Lindsay Dozier (4-25-55)
Mary Dozier (4-19-57) (Mrs Ben F.Byrd III)
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