Central District Dental Society
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Central District Dental Society
"Here’s your dose of “Mental Floss”
Newsletter 2013#2
Editor - Amy Lee       (Assistant Editor - Lindsay Holliday)

  Central District 

 Last Meeting Highlights:

District Meeting


CDDS Meeting
May 9, 2013
Location: Healy Point
Time:  6:00pm-7:00pm social hour and check-in; 7:00pm dinner and business meeting which is followed by our speaker.
Speaker:  Susan Muller, DMD, MS

Dr. Muller is on faculty at Emory University School of Medicine where she is a Professor in the Department of Pathology, Department of Otolaryngology, and the Winship Cancer Institute. 
Talking Points:
Red, White, and Ulcerative Lesions of the Oral Cavity.  What are they?  How to treat?
Educational Objectives:
1.  Be able to identify common oral soft tissue lesions and develop a differential diagnosis. 
2.  Be familiar with various therapeutic treatment options for oral ulcers. 
3.  Lean when and what to biopsy for diagnosis.
4.  Develop proficiency in identifying oral precancerous lesions.


Words from the President


First off I need to plug the GDA summer meeting.  If you have not been before you should go and if you have kids bring them with you.  It is a great event and fun for all who are involved.  Hopefully we will see you there.


I want to let you know that the Central District is continuing to work hard to help make some of the things we all have to do in order to practice a little easier and if possible cheaper.  Vin Bhasim and Ched Smaha are working hard to set up an OSHA continuing education coarse.  Our goal is to provide our members a mandated course at a reasonable rate and on a good date for the membership.  If we have good success with this course we will try to have it every year.  We may attempt to have different speakers each year but we will try our best to get anyone the membership wants.  So please plan on attending your central district OSHA coarse.  Support your district, save money and enjoy a morning of government-mandated education.  We will also have a few sponsors to help offset the cost of the meeting and maybe show you something interesting.


I would like to invite any member who has an idea for speakers to talk with Vin Bhasim who will be organizing the speakers for next year.  Having gone through the chairs I can tell you any suggestion would be appreciated.


It has been a privilege to serve as the Central District President and the last few years have been an eye opening experience.  The challenges that face dentistry in the next few years are great but it is my belief that the Georgia Dental Association put us in a much better position than our colleagues in many other states. 

On a completely non dental note.  Many of you are aware Mercer University is starting a Football program. In the near future the members of the central district will be receiving an invitation to meet the Bobby Lamb the head coach for the new football team.  It will be on Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm at my home in Macon. I hope to see many of you there for a social night. I don't think we will be able to get you any CE credit but we can look into it.

Michael M. Wright <wrightmm@gmail.com>


Board of Trustees Report
January 12, 2013 (by Ched Smaha)

Present: Jim Hall, Jay Harrington, Mike Loden, Ched Smaha,
Leadership GDA, Cameron Garvin,

President’s report
Dr. Tourial welcomed and introduced Meg Robinson, Esq., new GDA Director of Governmental Affairs;
ADA Councils and Commissions
Dr. Jay Harrington, Council on Governmental Affairs, discussed the issue with stand-alone dental plans with the Affordable Care Act.
Dentists on Government Agencies
The following dentists currently serve on state agencies and boards: Dr. Donna Thomas Moses, Department of Community Health Board; Drs. Mike McCartney, Amy Loden and Beth Sheridan, Insurance Advisory Council; and Dr. Randy Daniel, newly appointed to the Special Advisory Commission on Mandated Health Insurance Benefits.
Report of the Executive Director
Ms. Martha Phillips reported on the following topics from her written report to the House of Delegates:
Membership market share and its increase based on the GDA Workforce Census numbers;
New Board of Dentistry registry for performing botox and dermal fillers;
Economic outlook and medical excise tax;
Implications of the Affordable Care Act on dentists;
Foundations’ focus on creation of midlevel providers and the recent forum on MLPs at Morehouse College of Medicine.
ADA Delegation
Dr. Jim Reynierson stated that the Georgia Delegation performed admirably at the ADA Annual Session.
Nominating Committee
The committee offered the nomination of Dr. Greg Goggans for GDA vice president, which will be voted on at the GDA Business Meeting on July 26, 2013. The Nominating Committee received the nomination for the ADA At-large delegate position (term expires 1/17) and accompanying CV from Dr. Jack Bickford
Patient Protection Task Force
Dr. Tourial stated that he is charging each district with staying up-to-date with the current issues affecting the profession. He also asked everyone to work on ways to address the lack of demand for dental care and barriers to care. Dr. Tourial requested that the BOT send creative ideas on how to address the barriers to care to him.
Georgia Mission of Mercy (GMOM)
Dr. Richard Smith reported for the co-chairmen who were unable to attend the BOT meeting. He stated that registration is scheduled to go live the following week. The GDA has a new PR agency, Ogilvy, that will be helping with pro bono PR services.

Calendar of Events:
Central District Dental Society Meeting……………May 9, 2013
GDA Presidents Trip………………………………..May 15-25, 2013
GMOM………………………………………………June 13, 2013
House of Delegates…………………………………..July 25, 2013
GDA Annual Meeting (Hilton Head)………………..July 24-28, 2013

So what has the ADA been doing for you?
- Kara Moore

-The ADA is working to build bipartisan support for a bill introduced by Paul Gosar (R-Ariz).  His bill H.R.911 would repeal those portions of the MCarran-Ferguson statute that exempt medical health insurance plans and dental benefit plans from federal antitrust laws.  In other words, as the law is written now if another local dentist and I discuss what we charge for a procedure it is considered illegal because of the anti-trust laws in place.  However an insurance company can call every other company and set their prices accordingly with no penalty!  Now does that seem fair? If this bill is successful insurance companies would have to play by the same rules that you and I have been forced to play by for years. 

-The ADA is still active in supporting efforts to repeal the 2.3% medical device tax that was put into place this year through Obama Care.  Although the ADA and many of your GDA representatives fought hard to keep this from going into place we were unsuccessful.  However the ADA will push on fighting for the repeal because the ADA is looking out for you!

-Finally there are other areas of the Affordable care act which have yet to take affect that are still concerning to the practice of dentistry.  The ADA is trying to help guide our lawmakers as they establish the new health exchange programs.  However time will tell just how beneficial or detrimental these programs are to our patient’s oral health.
Remember your membership dollars are at work 24/7.  If you don't sustain your membership and support the ADA in their efforts then who do you think will be speaking for you in Washington?

Thank you to all who attended LAW Day at the Capitol on March 20th. The Central District was well represented and was there at a critical time when the GDA's premier legislation, HB 132, was in the Senate Subcommittee.  On Tuesday, March 26th, HB 132 passed the Senate with a vote of 45 to 8.  The bill will now go to the Governor for his consideration.

Mark your calendars!  The 2013 Legislative Reception will be held on Tuesday, December 3rd.  Details to follow.

Amber P. Lawson


I got away from writing about politics in the last column, but today we will get back to business. One of the themes that I hope has come through as you have allowed my opinions across the years is that it is very important for each and every one of you to be involved in the political process. Remember it is NOT important for you to know your representative and senator. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATOR TO KNOW YOU. Let me give you an example of how this can be important.

Recently the Georgia Dental Association along with the Georgia Pharmacy Association sought to transfer the Boards of Dentistry and Pharmacy from the Secretary of State’s Professional Licensing Division to the Department of Community Health (DCH). The legislation was known as House Bill 132. We passed up an opportunity to join with the Medical Association several years ago when they established an autonomous board. You may ask why this could matter. Well, it was made apparent by the testimony of the Secretary of State himself during the deliberations on HB 132 that the licensing division is underfunded, and that the amount being spent on dentistry was nowhere close to what we pay in licensing fees. So when we wanted investigators to check on dental concerns, most of the times they were busy serving other boards. It became clear that the best way to improve the Board’s service to the public by better regulation of the profession was to move the Board to DCH.

That is the history. The process requires that the legislature pass an enabling piece of legislation. In anticipation of what can sometimes be a very interesting process under the Gold Dome, our association and the pharmacy association worked with the Governor’s office to make the bill something that he would be willing to sign if passed with no amendments. We will fast forward through a lot of the minutia. However, suffice it to say, the Secretary of State stood in opposition to the bill. His concerns as stated in the House testimony on the bill, were that he would not have enough money to run his department with the dental and pharmacy fees removed. The bill passed with a wide margin in the House and proceeded to the Senate where the SOS was a former member.

Along the way, Senator Renee Unterman, who is also a nurse, wanted to amend the bill to include the Georgia nurses. The only problem was that the Governor was not inclined to sign a bill that was counter to his original understanding. This is where things started to get interesting. Now you have the SOS, a former member of the State Senate, and a sitting, well known and well respected State Senator standing in the way of the process of passing HB 132. You will be happy to know that both of Macon’s senators, Mr. David Lucas and Mr. Cecil Staton played key rolls in moving this bill. Their help was crucial in allowing this bill able to move from a subcommittee (where it could have died), to the main committee in time to make the photo finish for this bill to pass. It passed the Senate with only 8 dissenting votes .

Now , the Secretary of State and Senator Unterman are not happy with us. This was demonstrated by the testimony given on the floor of the Senate. (You can call the

GDA for the link to listen to the testimony if you like). We can hope that we can make peace with them for future bills that will certainly come. This is where we come full circle to it being very important to know the rest of the Senate (or have the rest of the Senate to know us). Eight senators voted against HB 132, we best work carefully to talk to the eight and we need to make sure that we know the other 46 even better. Bill passage is a lot about relationships and you and only you can insure that the voice of your profession is heard by making sure that YOU have a RELATIONSHIP with YOUR representative.


It’s all about relationships! If you happen to see Senator Lucas or Senator Staton, Please thank them.

At our February meeting,  the following people were elected:

Alternate Delegate= Michael Wright
Chair of Delegation= Nancy O'Brien
ADA Delegation= Kara Moore 
Vice President of Central District= Cameron Garvin

Treasury Report, April 2013

Balance Checking Brought Forward                     9562.67

Macon Letter Svc February Newsltr                         554.05
Robins Event Center Mtg Meal                               1186.25
GDA,January HOD Caucus                                       640.34

February Mtg Receipts                                                975.00
GDA 2013 Dues Receipts                                      18147.00

Balance Checking                                                    26304.03
Money Market Balance                                               4640.84
Total CDDS Assets                                                  30944.87

Respectfully submitted,
Don Benton

PS - I am proud of our District as we contributed $1,825 to the Macon Volunteer Clinic and $1,625 to Rehoboth Life Care Ministries.

Feb.5,2013 EC Mtg,
Office of Michael Wright
Attending: Michael Wright, Ched Smaha, Kara Moore, Paul Fraysure,Amber Lawson,  Jay Harrington, Pinkney Gilchrist, Amy Lee, Don Spillers, Ty Ivey, Deena Holliman-Smith, Alfred Peters, Nancy O'Brien, Mike Loden, Amy Loden, Lindsay Holliday, Kendrick  Mathews, Cameron Garvin, Vin Bhasin, Don Benton

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm
Michael opened the meeting with comments regarding the recently completed census noting that in actuality the access is there it is the demand for services that is not present. He encouraged all to review the findings as printed in Action.
Minutes from Nov. EC meeting approved

Treasury report approved, Noted that our meeting expenses are on the rise especially the Legislative Reception. The general consensus after discussion is to look at other venues to keep it competitive and attempt to slow the increase. Discussion of the district effort on Feb.1 for Give kids a smile day. Through the very generous work of Margaret Moore and her staff as well as other participating Drs. we provided an excellent day of service to the community! Ways of improving for next year were discussed as well in the hopes that we can expand on the efforts gained this year.Motion made by Ivey  seconded and approved to have N. O'Brien head a committee to coordinate refinement of our efforts to improve outreach and exposure for GKAS in feb.2014.

Awards Cmt: D. Holliman-Smith no report Dental Education Foundation: P. Fraysure noted that due to the economy contributions are down and he requested that we help any way we can to beef up the efforts to aid students with financial needs.

Legislative Cmt: Amber noted our upcoming March 14 day at the capital and pleaded for maximum participation to remain number one in District participation! She will be contacting select people to arrange carpooling in the next couple of weeks. She also requested that an e-mail reminder be sent to encourage more participation!

GADPAC: P.Fraysure: Noted that the PAC was recently in the top 20 PACS for participation in contributions to legislators. We need to remember to maximize our PAC contributions to be effective in our relationships under the gold dome.

BOT: See report ,Mike noted the new GDA staff member Meg Robinson is on board and getting up to speed. ADA Delegation: See Kara's Report

GDIS: Mike Loden commented that non-dues revenue is dwindling and there may be a need for a dues increase.
Pres Michael noted a member request for a waiver of CDDS dues for financial hardship. discussion followed,motion made, seconded and passed to waive 2013 dues for this individual. Pres Michael also noted that member Bruce Shaver is eligible for Life Member Status.Motion made seconded and approved to grant Life membership.

Kara noted that Tracy Gay from Dublin is now a member of the Board of Dentistry taking an at-large position.Congrats. Also noted that Steven Hill from Dublin won the $1,000 prize for paying dues prior to the Dec.deadline and he will be present at the base meeting to accept his awarded check. Congratulations Steven! It pays to pay up by Dec.31.

Nancy O'Brien gave report on public health and the Macon Volunteer Clinic and will seek to help find ways the District may be able to help. stay tuned in for more details at next EC mtg .Don Spillers also mentioned Rehoboth Ministry Clinic in Warner Robins and encouraged participation as they have unfilled hours of operation that could be staffed.

Old Business: Need to firm up date for the May CE offering. Motion made seconded and approved to proceed and Vin will get program and date for a Friday in May.Most likely May 17 or 24.

New Business: Motion made seconded and approved to move scholarship awards to the hygiene students' Honors day program at the respective school. Advisory Board members would be available to do presentation of award with our Scholarship committee Chairperson. No further business ,meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Don Benton

The Central District is happy to present mandatory OSHA training for your team members.

“Bloodborne Pathogen Training For the Dental Office “

Presented by : Ms Karen L Murphy, Stericycle Occupation Safety Specialist.

When…May 17th, 10AM-12PM. 2 CE credits.

Where…Central Georgia Technical College, Macon

Cost…$15 Per team member in advance and $25 at the door. Space is limited so please reserve your spots as soon as possible.

This seminar provides mandatory OSHA training for healthcare workers.

We would like to thank Ms Murphy, Stericycle and Patterson Dental for making this seminar possible.

To reserve your spot please make your check out to Central District Dental Society and mail it to:

Dr. Ched Smaha

151 Pierce Ave,

Macon, Ga. 31204

For questions regarding this event please contact Dr. Vin Bhasin at (478) 932-0232 or bhasindmd@yahoo.com

President -- Michael Wright
President Elect -- Ched Smaha
Vice President -- Vin Bhasin
Secretary/Treasurer-- Don Benton
Editor-- Amy Lee
Awards -Deena Holliman Smith
Constitution/Bylaws- John Kuo
Dental Education Foundation- Paul Fraysure
Dental Health - Shirley Fisher , Grier Godfrey (fluoridation liaison)
Finance - Kendrick Mathews
Forensics - Jason Mann
GADPAC - Paul Fraysure, Ty Ivey
Governmental Affairs - Amber Lawson , John Bowman (Board of Dent. liaison) Ty Ivey
Membership Services -  Jamie Mitchell
Recruitment and Retention - Katie Garvin
Oral Health in Institutional Settings - Grier Godfrey
Peer Review - Greg Burns
Public Relations - Lindsay Holliday ,Megan Johnson
Information Technology - Cameron Garvin
Workforce - Pinkney Gilchrist
Taskforce on Medicaid - Jim Hall, Alfred Peters

Constitution and Bylaws:



Central District Presidential Report 


  If you haven’t done so….Please send your email address to
Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com>
if you are not receiving your newsletter on-line in addition to the postal hardcopy too. 


  Member's News:




Guest Editorial by Ty Ivey






Editors Comments:

Dear Colleagues,
I would like to include more items of personal interest from our members. 
Please email or call me! 


Amy Lee

152 N Crest Blvd,Ste B
Macon, GA 31210
Cell (478) 951-5639
Office  (478) 757-5826
Fax (478) 757-5823
E-mail: DrAmyLee@bellsouth.net

Important Dates:


Newsletter deadlines are 5 weeks before each meeting. 



Please send your email address  to Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com> if you are not receiving your newsletter on-line in addition to the postal hard-copy too.


Committee Appointments:

  End of Newsletter    End of Newsletter    End of Newsletter    End of Newsletter    End of Newsletter    End of Newsletter

..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff... ..Extra Stuff...

FROM 2010#4

Nominating Committee -
It shall be a policy of the CDDS that the Nominating Committee shall consist of the following:
1. Immediate Past President of the CDDS
2. Chairman of the CDDS Delegation to GDA House of Delegates
3. The Senior ADA Delegate or Alternate ADA Delegate
4. Two members at large from the CDDS. (These members will be elected at the September meeting of this Society. Nomination will be accepted from the floor

The Nominating Committee will present its slate of candidates for current CDDS elected positions at the February meeting of this Society.

Election of Officers and Delegate positions will be held at the CDDS February meeting.  

Attention Bylaws change to be voted on at May 13th meeting.
The new bylaws will read...
Annual Roll-up of Delegates:  Each member of the delegation, other than the chairman, moves up one slot annually so that one alternate delegat is added to the delegation each year.  Upon a delegate's or alternate delegate's annual re-election he or she shall roll up one place on the delegation for a maximum of (seven) NINE years.  Following a delegation roll up, and after serving the maximum number of terms as Chairman, a member must not serve as an alternate or a delegate for one year.
The delegation roll up will be as follows:
Don Spillers
Amy Loden
Lindsay Holliday
Mike Loden
Deena Smith
Paul Fraysure  (rolls off Feb 2014)
Craig McCroba (rolls off Feb 2013)
Shirley Fisher  (rolls off Feb 2012)
Roy Lehrman (rolls off Feb 2011)
Chair  Kendrick Matthews  serving last term as chairman  will elect new chair Feb (2012??)

CDDS Constitution, Bylaws, Policy Manual

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